Activity 1: Follow the Leader
Activity time: 10 minutes
Preparation for Activity
- Make sure you have enough space to play. If you wish to play outside and weather is a factor, give parents advance notice.
Description of Activity
Play Follow the Leader. Have one co-leader be a poor leader. Poor leading might include moving too slowly or too quickly or making movements that are hard to follow. For example, a tall leader might reach a height the children cannot.
Every participant who wishes to lead should get a turn.
After the game, process with these questions:
- Have you played this game before or something like it? Do you like it? Why or why not?
- Do you like to be the leader? Why?
- Why do we take turns being the leader?
- Was [the co-leader] a good leader in this game? Why or why not? What was not good about their leading?
- What makes a good leader in this game?
Today we will talk about how leadership can be a sign of our faith.
Including All Participants
Make sure the game stays accessible. If a leader does a movement that any participant cannot safely follow, suggest a different movement.