Session 15: Witness for Justice: Public Signs of Our UU Values Part of Signs of Our Faith, Grades 2-3: Being UU Every Day In This Section Introduction From Signs of Our Faith Our lives begin to end the day that we become silent about the things that matter. — Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King This session introduces public witness as a way to show one's faith by working for a just world. The Faith in Action and Alternate Activities provide options for engaging children... Session-at-a-Glance From Signs of Our Faith Activity Minutes Opening 2 Activity 1: Muhammad's Prayer 10 Activity 2: Story — John L. Cashin, Witness for Justice 10 Activity 3: Gallery Tour 10 Activity 4: Ritual of Public Witness 25 Faith in Action: Public Witness Event Closing 3 Alternate Activity 1: Leadership in Action — Guest at Your... Spiritual Preparation From Signs of Our Faith What were you taught as a child about witnessing for justice? If you were included in public protests or other justice work, do you remember the first time you took part? What was the cause? Who was with you? How clearly did you understand the issues and purpose of your public witness? Including... Opening From Signs of Our Faith Activity time: 2 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice, candle and lighter or LED battery-operated candle Centering table A chime or bell Optional: Cloth for centering table Optional: Stoles, including extras for visitors Preparation for Activity If the group designed an Opening ritual in Sessio... Activity 1: Muhammad's Prayer From Signs of Our Faith Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Handout 1, UU Principles, Children's Version Preparation for Activity If you do not have a poster of the UU Principles in the meeting space, copy Handout 1 for all participants. Print this prayer on newsprint, and post:... Activity 2: Story - John L. Cashin, Witness for Justice From Signs of Our Faith Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Copy of the story "John L. Cashin, Witness for Justice" Leader Resource 1, John L. Cashin Photo Optional: Fidget basket (see Session 1, Leader Resource 2, Fidget Objects) Preparation for Activity Read the story to become familiar with it.... Activity 3: Gallery Tour From Signs of Our Faith Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Social justice posters, index cards, and non-sticky painter's tape Optional: A computer with Internet access, and a large monitor or digital projector Optional: Newsprint, markers, and tape; and stickers Preparation for Activity Decide how much tim... Activity 4: Ritual of Public Witness From Signs of Our Faith Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Items from recent congregational public witness events Art supplies and (optional) video camera and playback equipment Preparation for Activity Gather and display items such as flyers, banners, photos/videos, and newspaper coverage from congregatio... Closing From Signs of Our Faith Activity time: 3 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED battery-operated candle Taking It Home Newsprint, markers, and tape Optional: Stoles, including extras for visitors Optional: Items needed for new Closing ritual (Session 9, Activity 4) Preparation for Activity... Leader Reflection and Planning From Signs of Our Faith What went well in this session? What would you do differently next time? Look over the next session and assign any preparation duties as needed.... Faith In Action: Public Witness Event From Signs of Our Faith Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Optional: Media releases Optional: Newsprint, markers, and tape; and stickers Preparation for Activity Invite members of the Justice Committee to describe the committee's work to the children. Tell them how much time they will have.... Alternate Activity 1: Leadership in Action: Guest at Your Table From Signs of Our Faith Materials for Activity Guest at Your Table boxes and materials Preparation for Activity Talk with your religious educator, minister, and or lay leaders about the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee Guest at Your Table program to determine interest in the Signs group introducing it in the... Alternate Activity 2: Leadership in Action: Justice Sunday From Signs of Our Faith Preparation for Activity Invite one of the coordinators of Justice Sunday in your congregation to speak to the children and help them plan ways to participate. Description of Activity Children assume leadership for Justice Sunday. If the congregation participates in Justice Sunday, have a... Alternate Activity 3: Meeting the Justice Committee From Signs of Our Faith Preparation for Activity Invite two or three members of the Justice or Social Action Committee to speak to the group. Tell them how long they have to present information about the work of the committee. Encourage them to bring visual aids, such as photos and videos taken at justice events, and... Alternate Activity 4: Public Witness Online From Signs of Our Faith Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity A computer with Internet access, and a large monitor or digital projector Preparation for Activity Preview the No Kid Hungry website and the PSA by actor Jeff Bridges.... Taking It Home: Witness for Justice: Public Signs of Our UU Values From Signs of Our Faith Our lives begin to end the day that we become silent about the things that matter. — Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King IN TODAY'S SESSION... we talked about public witness as a sign of our Unitarian Universalist faith. We said that we should speak up when we witness a wrong and speak out to support... John L. Cashin, Witness for Justice From Signs of Our Faith One day in Alabama, in 1968, as farmers worked in their fields, a small airplane swooped into view. The farmers looked up wonderingly as papers fluttered out of the plane, into the sky and came swirling down to earth all around them. The papers were flyers about the upcoming elections—flyers with... Handout 1: UU Principles, Children's Version From Signs of Our Faith We believe each and every person is important. We believe all people should be treated fairly. In our congregations, all people are accepted and we learn together. We believe each person is free to search for what is true and right in life. Everyone deserves a vote about the things that concern... Leader Resource 1: John L. Cashin Photo From Signs of Our Faith Printing This Handout Download a high-resolution copy of this Handout (PDF) for printing. Find Out More From Signs of Our Faith Aisha's Moonlit Walk by Anika Stafford (Skinner House Books, 2005) has a story about a young girl who moves past her shyness to stand up and speak at a public gathering. Read The Agitator's Daughter by Sheryll Cashin, or watch a CNN cablecast of her 2008 talk at the Politics & Prose Bookstore in... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Signs of Our Faith NEXT: Introduction Download all of Signs of Our Faith (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.