I believe that decision making should not be the exclusive right of the privileged. That those who are affected by policy—not those who by default often stand above it—should be heard in the debate. — Winona LaDuke, Native American activist
This session is about the fifth Principle and use of the democratic process. Children examine different methods of making group decisions, practice making group decisions in a hypothetical situation, and learn about the congregation's governance systems.
This session will:
- Show that using the democratic process and fair decision-making can be a sign of our faith, reflective of our Unitarian Universalist Principles
- Engage participants to practice making fair decisions together
- Explore practices UU congregations use to reach group decisions as fairly as possible.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
- Understand that to strive to make group decisions as fairly as possible reflects our UU Principles and is a sign of our faith
- Discuss three different ways to make group decisions: authority, majority, and consensus
- Practice making fair group decisions
- Learn the congregation's system of governance from a guest presenter from the board of trustees.