Activity 1: Story - A Calabash of Poi
Activity time: 5 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Copy of the story, "A Calabash of Poi"
- Optional: Fidget basket (see Session 1, Leader Resource 2, Fidget Objects)
Preparation for Activity
- Read the story so you will be comfortable telling or reading it to the children.
- Optional: If you have a basket of fidget objects for children who will listen and learn more effectively with something in their hands, make the basket available during this activity. See Session 1, Leader Resource 2, Fidget Objects for a full description of fidget baskets and guidance for using them.
Description of Activity
Gather the children to hear the story "A Calabash of Poi." Read or tell the story.
Then, process with these questions:
- What do you remember most about this story?
- Why did Pele disguise herself?
Including All Participants
You may wish to make fidget objects available to children who find it difficult to sit still while listening to a story or can focus better with sensory stimulation. For a full description and guidance, see Session 1, Leader Resource 2.
Consider using rug squares in the storytelling area. Place them in a semi-circle with the rule "One person per square." This can be very helpful for controlling active bodies.