Session 13: Peaceful Choices Part of Love Surrounds Us, Grades K-1 In This Section Introduction From Love Surrounds Us In a world where there is so much to be done, I felt strongly impressed that there must be something for me to do. — Dorothea Dix, 19th-century reformer and Unitarian The sixth Principle, "We believe in working for a peaceful, fair and free world," challenges Unitarian Universalists to make... Session-at-a-Glance From Love Surrounds Us Activity Minutes Welcoming and Entering 0 Opening 10 Activity 1: Story — Barn School, Free School 10 Activity 2: Role Play — Daily Choices Help Us Grow 20 Activity 3: Collage — What's in the Barn? 15 Faith in Action: Socks for Tired Feet Closing 5 Alternate Activity 1: Poster — Sixth... Spiritual Preparation From Love Surrounds Us Choices happen every minute of our day. A choice at a grocery store or a choice of a gift for a loved one shows our values. List the small but important choices you have made today. Next to each item, write the words peace, freedom, or fairness to indicate how that decision connects to the world. Welcoming and Entering From Love Surrounds Us Materials for Activity Ribbon sticks (or wrist ribbons) in a container (Session 1, Opening) Preparation for Activity If you have not previously made ribbons sticks or wrist ribbons for each child do it now as per instructions in Session 1, Opening. Place container of ribbon sticks by the door. Opening for Session 13, Peaceful Choices From Love Surrounds Us Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Ribbon sticks (or wrist ribbons) in a container (Session 1, Opening) Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED/battery-operated candle Session 1, Leader Resource 1, Rote Teaching - Love Surrounds Us Song Indigo cloth for centering table Preparation for... Activity 1: Story: Barn School, Free School From Love Surrounds Us Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story "Barn School, Free School" Optional: "Barn School, Free School" coloring sheet, and crayons Preparation for Activity Read the story several times; it has a lot of conversation. Practice using differing voices for each character. Activity 2: Role Play, Daily Choices Help Us Grow From Love Surrounds Us Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 1, Role Play Flowers Leader Resource 2, Role Play Situations Green construction paper A basket Masking tape or sticky tack Preparation for Activity Print out two copies of Leader Resource 1.... Activity 3: Collage, What's in the Barn? From Love Surrounds Us Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Magazines and catalogs to cut up Construction paper - two sheets for each child, one red sheet and one sheet in another color Glue sticks and scissors (including left-handed scissors) Preparation for Activity Gather magazines or catalogs with diver... Closing From Love Surrounds Us Activity time: 5 minutes Description of Activity Invite everyone to gather in a circle and hold hands.... Leader Reflection and Planning From Love Surrounds Us Reflecting on the time with your group, how do you feel the participants integrated the sixth Principle? Did they understand that they have choices leading to a peaceful, fair, and free world?... Faith In Action: Socks for Tired Feet From Love Surrounds Us Materials for Activity Several large cardboard boxes, such as appliance boxes Large roll of plain paper Permanent markers Clear packing tape Tempera paint and a cookie sheet with edges Two chairs A dishpan of soapy water, and towels Preparation for Activity Check the website of the organization... Alternate Activity 1: Poster, Sixth Principle From Love Surrounds Us Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 1, Poster - Sixth Principle Crayons and/or color markers Preparation for Activity Copy Handout 1 for all participants. Set crayons/markers at work tables.... Taking It Home: Peaceful Choices From Love Surrounds Us In a world where there is so much to be done, I felt strongly impressed that there must be something for me to do. — Dorothea Dix, 19th-century reformer and Unitarian IN TODAY'S SESSION... participants learned how the sixth Principle applied to the life of Unitarian social reformer, Dorothea Dix. Barn School, Free School Janeen K Grohsmeyer From Love Surrounds Us A story of Dorothea Dix (1802-1887), Unitarian teacher and social reformer. "Finish eating your supper, Anna," said Florence. "We mustn't be late to school." Anna nodded and ate another spoonful of soup. She was happy to get a piece of potato in the warm salty broth, instead of only cabbage.... Handout 1: Poster, Sixth Principle From Love Surrounds Us Unitarian Universalist Sixth Principle We believe in working for a peaceful, fair, and free world. Printing This Handout Download a high-resolution copy of this Handout (PDF) for printing. Leader Resource 1: Role Play Flowers From Love Surrounds Us Printing This Handout Download a high-resolution copy of this Handout (PDF) for printing... Leader Resource 2: Role Play Situations From Love Surrounds Us Your Mom wakes you up. Do you choose to get up immediately or snuggle in for a few more moments? Your little brother is late for the bus. You get on the bus. Do you say anything to the bus driver? Your best friend accidently drops her backpack and dumps it in the busy hallway. What do you do?... Find Out More From Love Surrounds Us Dorothea Dix Two books include Breaking the Chains: The Crusade of Dorothea Lynde Dix by Penny Colman (ASJA Press, 2007) and Dorothea Dix: Social Reformer by Barbara Witteman (Bridgestone Books, 2003). Barns A children's book is Tuttle's Red Barn by Richard Michelson (Putnam Juvenile, 2007).... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Love Surrounds Us NEXT: Introduction Download all of Love Surrounds Us (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.