Session 4: Be Fair Part of Faithful Journeys, Grades 2-3 In This Section Introduction From Faithful Journeys What becomes of the colored girl? The muses of song, poetry and art do not woo and exalt her. She has inspired no novels. Those who write ... seldom think of this dark-skinned girl who is persistently breaking through the petty tyrannies of cast into the light of recognition. – Fannie Barrier... Session-at-a-Glance From Faithful Journeys Activity Minutes Opening 2 Activity 1: Faithful Footprints 5 Activity 2: Move It! Part I — A Circle That Kept Me Out 8 Activity 3: Move It! Part II — A Circle That Took Me In (Amoeba Tag) 5 Activity 4: Story Basket and Centering 5 Activity 5: Story — Belonging: Fannie Barrier Williams 8... Spiritual Preparation From Faithful Journeys If it would be helpful in creating sacred space, light a candle or chalice. Read the story "Belonging" about Unitarian Fannie Barrier Williams. Recall any times when you have been part of a group that has worked together for positive change in a local institution, in your wider community, or at a... Opening From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 2 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice candle or LED/battery-operated candle Lighter and extinguisher, if needed Newsprint, markers and tape Posters of the Unitarian Universalist Principles in both adult and children's language, or copies of Session 1, Handout 1 for all participa... Activity 1: Faithful Footprints From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Faithful Journeys Path (Session 1, Leader Resource 2) Cutouts of footprints and (optional) wheelchair tracks, at least one for each participant, in a variety of colors (Session 1, Leader Resources 3 and 4) Markers Push pins, glue stick or tape... Activity 2: Move It! Part I - A Circle That Kept Me Out From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 8 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the poem by Edwin Markham Preparation for Activity Create a wide open space for a standing circle. Description of Activity Have group stand in a circle without chairs.... Activity 4: Story Basket and Centering From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity A large basket Objects related to the story "Belonging," such as a picture of Fannie Barrier Williams (Leader Resource 1), a bonnet, an artist's sketch pad, pictures of people from the late 1800s or beginning of 1900s, or a sign that says "BE FAIR" ... Activity 5: Story - Belonging - Fannie Barrier Williams From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 8 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story "Belonging: Fannie Barrier Williams" A chime, rain stick, or other calming sound instrument Optional: Fidget object basket (Session 2, Leader Resource 2) Preparation for Activity Read the story a few times. Consider telling the... Activity 6: Faithful Journeys Action Club Project Selection From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 8 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers and tape A copy of Leader Resource 3, Faithful Journeys Action Club Project Ideas Preparation for Activity Consult with your social action committee, minister, and/or director of religious education to determine ideas for local... Activity 7: Faithful Journeys Action Club Activities From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 12 minutes Materials for Activity Blankets, sheets, pillows, duct tape, refrigerator boxes or other clubhouse-building materials Several large sheets of poster board, and color markers to share Preparation for Activity Create two different work spaces in the room: one with a large,... Closing From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 7 minutes Materials for Activity Faithful Journeys Path Signpost for Session 4 (Leader Resource 2), and pins, glue stick or tape Copies of Session 1, Leader Resource 8, UU Principles Song, for all participants Optional: Newsprint, markers and tape Preparation for Activity Print out... Leader Reflection and Planning From Faithful Journeys Take a few minutes to evaluate the session with your co-leader immediately afterward, while it is fresh. Share your thoughts with any other team co-leaders and your director of religious education. You might find it helpful to consider these questions: Which activities worked well?... Faith In Action: Learn About Area Clubs From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 45 minutes Preparation for Activity Find out about service clubs active in your area, such as Lions, Boys & Girls Club, and Kiwanis, and identify members of your congregation who are involved in local club projects.... Alternate Activity 1: Building and Decorating a More Permanent Clubhouse From Faithful Journeys Materials for Activity Supplies such as large pieces of plywood, 2x4s, nails, hammers, large pieces of cloth, rug remnants, pillows, large cardboard boxes, and paint/paintbrushes Preparation for Activity Check with your director of religious education and/or congregational board members to identi... Taking It Home: Be Fair From Faithful Journeys What becomes of the colored girl? The muses of song, poetry and art do not woo and exalt her. She has inspired no novels. Those who write ... seldom think of this dark-skinned girl who is persistently breaking through the petty tyrannies of cast into the light of recognition. – Fannie Barrier... Activity 3: Move It! Part II -A Circle That Took Me In From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 5 minutes Preparation for Activity Prepare a large space in which participants can run around safely. Description of Activity Gather the group in a circle and reread the poem by Edwin Markham: He drew a circle that shut me out Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout But love and I had the... Belonging Fannie Barrier Williams Janeen K Grohsmeyer From Faithful Journeys Our hearts should be too warm and too large for hatred. More than one hundred fifty years ago, back when trains were new and airplanes and cars hadn't been invented, back when women always wore long skirts and everyone wore hats, a girl named Fannie Barrier lived in a town in New York State.... Leader Resource 1: Picture of Fannie Barrier Williams for Story Basket From Faithful Journeys Cut out the picture and place it in the story basket. Printing This Handout Download a high-resolution copy of this Handout (PDF) for printing. Leader Resource 2: Signpost for Session 4 From Faithful Journeys Cut out the signpost. During your closing circle, show it to the children and attach it to your Faithful Journeys Path. Printing This Handout Download a high-resolution copy of this Handout (PDF) for printing. Leader Resource 3: Faithful Journeys Action Club Project Ideas From Faithful Journeys Organizations and causes a club could support An international project for children or communities, such as Grassroot Soccer or Heifer International American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) or local animal shelter Local food pantry, homeless shelter, or community action... Find Out More From Faithful Journeys Find these and other quotations from Fannie Barrier Williams in The New Woman of Color: The Collected Writings of Fannie Barrier Williams, 1893-1918, edited by Mary Jo Deegan (Northern Illinois University Press, 2002). We believe that the world always needs the influence of every good and capable... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Faithful Journeys NEXT: Introduction Download all of Faithful Journeys (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.