Session 10: Speak Out Part of Faithful Journeys, Grades 2-3 In This Section Introduction From Faithful Journeys A "No" uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a "Yes" merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble. — Mohandas Gandhi In this session, participants are introduced to the fifth Unitarian Universalist Principle, the right of conscience and the use of democratic process. We... Session-at-a-Glance From Faithful Journeys Activity Minutes Opening 2 Activity 1: Faithful Footprints 5 Activity 2: Move It! Values Continuum 5 Activity 3: Story Basket and Centering 5 Activity 4: Story — Speaking Out: Maria Cook, Universalist Preacher 8 Activity 5: Justice Role Plays 20 Activity 6: I Object! 8 Faith in Action: Start a... Spiritual Preparation From Faithful Journeys If it would be helpful in creating sacred space, light a candle or chalice. Consider times when you have spoken up for what you believed was right, in a personal or political setting. Why did you speak out? What did it cost you? What did you gain?... Opening From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 2 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice candle or LED/battery-operated candle Lighter and extinguisher, if needed Newsprint, markers and tape Posters of the Unitarian Universalist Principles in both adult and children's language, or copies of Session 1, Handout 1 for all participa... Activity 1: Faithful Footprints From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Faithful Journeys Path (Session 1, Leader Resource 2) Cutouts of footprints and (optional) wheelchair tracks, at least one for each participant, in a variety of colors (Session 1, Leader Resources 3 and 4) Markers Push pins, glue stick or tape... Activity 2: Move It! Values Continuum From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of Leader Resource 1, Values Continuum Preparation for Activity Create an open space to accommodate a line of people stretching out from your right and your left. Description of Activity This exercise gives all participants the chance to... Activity 3: Story Basket and Centering From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity A large basket Objects related to the story "Speaking Out: Maria Cook, Universalist Preacher," such as a costume prop suggesting an early 19th-century woman's traveling outfit, toy handcuffs, or an old-looking, hardcover Bible.... Activity 4: Story - Speaking Out - Maria Cook, Universalist Preacher From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 8 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story "Speaking Out: Maria Cook, Universalist Preacher" A chime, rain stick or other calming sound instrument Optional: Fidget object basket (Session 2, Leader Resource 2) Preparation for Activity Read the story a few times.... Activity 5: Justice Role Plays From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Copies of Leader Resource 2, Justice Role Plays, one per participant Optional: Scarves, jackets, or other simple costume props Preparation for Activity Read the scenarios a few times and familiarize yourself with them. Jot down any additional... Activity 6: I Object! From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 8 minutes Preparation for Activity Think of an example you can use to demonstrate "I Object!" - something that really bothers you, which children will be able to relate to. Description of Activity This activity will give all participants an opportunity to be heard while they voice... Closing From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 7 minutes Materials for Activity Faithful Journeys Path Signpost for Session 10 (Leader Resource 3) and pins, glue stick or tape Copies of Session 1, Leader Resource 8, UU Principles Song, for all participants Optional: Newsprint, markers and tape Preparation for Activity Print out... Leader Reflection and Planning From Faithful Journeys Take a few minutes to evaluate the session with your co-leader immediately afterward, while it is fresh. Share your thoughts with any other team co-leaders and your director of religious education. You might find it helpful to consider these questions: Which activities worked well?... Faith In Action: Start a Petition From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 45 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers and tape Paper and pen, or computer and printer Description of Activity Have the children brainstorm what they think is unfair and needs to change in your congregation (for example, you might focus on limitations turned up during... Alternate Activity 1: Democratic Decision Making From Faithful Journeys Activity time: 20 minutes Preparation for Activity Select a topic for discussion and voting. Description of Activity Use of the democratic process is part of the fifth Principle, the center of this session.... Taking It Home: Speak Out From Faithful Journeys A "No" uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a "Yes" merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble. — Mohandas Gandhi IN TODAY'S SESSION... We learned about the fifth Unitarian Universalist Principle, the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process.... Speaking Out Maria Cook, Universalist Preacher Janeen K Grohsmeyer From Faithful Journeys In 1779, more than two hundred years ago, a girl named Maria Cook was born in New York State. When she was born, the Americans were fighting the British in the War for Independence. The Americans wanted to have their own country where they could be independent and free to make their own decisions... Leader Resource 1: Values Continuum From Faithful Journeys Your friend just got a haircut that you think looks terrible, and asks you how you like it. Is it more important that your answer be (a) kind or (b) truthful? Your teacher at school tells your class something you're pretty sure is not true. Is it more important to (a) be polite and ignore the... Leader Resource 2: Justice Role Plays From Faithful Journeys Scenario 1 RICK: What do you think of that new guy in our class? GREG: He seems kind of weird. JOSH: Yeah, I mean, what kind of name is Harvinder? GREG: A weird name. RICK: And what's up with that funny topknot turban he wears on his head? Does he ever take it off?... Leader Resource 3: Signpost for Session 10 From Faithful Journeys Cut out the signpost to attach to the Faithful Journeys Path. Printing This Handout Download a high-resolution copy of this Handout (PDF) for printing. Find Out More From Faithful Journeys Maria Cook A brief biography of Maria Cook is available online. Nonviolent Resistance Explore the tradition of nonviolent resistance by reading a brief biography of Gandhi, a website dedicated to Martin Luther King, Jr. and Gandhi and King's principles of nonviolence.... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Faithful Journeys NEXT: Introduction Download all of Faithful Journeys (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.