Leader Resource 3: Honey Parfaits
Part of Creating Home
For each parfait, you will need:
- half a banana
- a small parfait glass or clear plastic cup
- 2 tablespoons granola
- a plastic butter knife
- 2 tablespoons honey
- a plastic spoon
- 2 tablespoons unflavored yogurt, vanilla pudding, or vanilla ice cream
- a napkin or paper plate
Give each child a napkin or paper plate, a parfait glass or plastic cup, a spoon, a butter knife, and half a banana.
Show children how to peel the banana; split it in two, lengthwise; and slice each long piece into small pieces.
Show how to make the parfait’s bottom layer, using almost half of the banana slices.
Then, spoon into each parfait glass layers of granola, yogurt, and honey, one tablespoon of each.
Repeat the layers, this time using almost all the banana slices and another tablespoon each of granola, yogurt, and honey.
Garnish with remaining banana slices.