Leader Resource 1: Guided Meditation
As you start to walk, think about when you entered this building today. What did you expect would happen here today? What did you expect to find here today? Who did you expect to find?
Think upon these questions as you approach the center. When you reach the center, stop and let your thoughts come to rest. Take two deep breaths. Breathe in and out. Now you are here. Now you have arrived. What does it mean to you to enter into your faith home? Think of how you are feeling about being here, right now, in Creating Home.
Now it is time to return. As you begin your walk back through the path laid out before you, think about other times you have been here. If this is your first time here with us, think about times you have spent at other faith homes. It might have been in religious education. It might have been a worship service, maybe a holiday service. It might have been for a party or a clean-up day. Think about some of the things you do here at your congregation, your faith home. Think about the people who do these things with you: friends, teachers, family.
Now think about the people who are here with you right now as you cross over the threshold and finish walking the labyrinth.