Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Creating Home: A Program on Developing a Sense of Home Grounded in Faith for Grades K-1

Leader Resource 1: Snack Recipes

If you have time, you may like to extend Activity 4: Breaking Bread Together by engaging the children in preparing a more complicated snack together, by inviting another group to break bread with the children, or both.

One easy snack recipe is to make your own snack mix. Purchase three to five bags of differently sized, shaped and flavored crackers. Children generally like cheese flavored crackers. You might include cheesy fish-shaped crackers, pretzel sticks, and small, round toasted crackers. Cereal that is not too sweet could be another fun addition. You might have children with nut allergies, so don’t include nuts. You could also include raisins, dried peaches or other dried fruit.

You might consider a fruit salad, combining purple and green grapes, canned tangerine sections, and pieces of apples and pears. You would need to cut the apple and pear pieces before the meeting.

Most children also like pasta, which is tasty and fun. If you have time to cook before the class, a different and silly snack might include differently shapes and colors of pasta, without sauce. Try multicolored rotini, wheat linguini, spaghetti, and spinach shells.

Make sure children wash their hands or use an antibacterial cleanser both before combining ingredients and before eating.