Session 4: Telling Right From Wrong Part of Amazing Grace, 6th Grade: Exploring Right and Wrong In This Section Introduction From Amazing Grace Heaven and hell suppose two distinct species of men, the good and the bad. But the greatest part of mankind float betwixt vice and virtue. —David Hume Having examined the nature of virtue and sin in previous sessions, participants in the fourth session confront the fact that the line between good... Session-at-a-Glance From Amazing Grace ACTIVITY MINUTES Opening 5 Activity 1: Word List Competition 10 Activity 2: Meeting the Theme Song 15 Activity 3: Story and Discussion – When No One Is Looking 10 Activity 4: The Golden Rule 7 Activity 5: Wall-to-Wall Questions 8 Faith in Action: A Taste of Ethics 20 Closing 3 Alternate Activity... Spiritual Preparation From Amazing Grace In the days before you present this session, reflect on how you personally resolve conflicts regarding right and wrong. Do you consult the religious teachings held in your mind? Do you reason things out with the Golden Rule or another such guide? Do you rely on conscience? How can you help youth... Opening From Amazing Grace Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Conundrum Corner poster/banner An empty plate Chalice and matches Recording of "Amazing Grace" and music player Optional: Newsprint, markers and tape Optional: Nametags and markers Optional: Decorative cloth for Conundrum Corner Preparation for... Activity 1: Word List Competition From Amazing Grace Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint and a washable marker for each small group Optional: Card stock or newspapers to use as backing for newsprint Preparation for Activity Identify areas where small groups can work without interrupting or overhearing each other.... Activity 2: Meeting the Theme Song From Amazing Grace Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Copies of the hymnbook,… the Living Tradition Music player Recording of "Amazing Grace," preferably one that includes the words Preparation for Activity Have your recording of... Activity 3: Story and Discussion - When No One Is Looking From Amazing Grace Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Story 1, "When No One Is Looking" Sign from Conundrum Corner Preparation for Activity Read through the story. Photocopy Story 1, "When No One Is Looking," one for each participant.... Activity 4: The Golden Rule From Amazing Grace Activity time: 7 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 1, Golden Rules Newsprint, markers and tape Preparation for Activity Photocopy Handout 1, Golden Rules, one for each participant. Description of Activity Youth become familiar with many versions of the Golden Rule and reflect upon its... Activity 5: Wall-to-Wall Questions From Amazing Grace Activity time: 8 minutes Description of Activity This activity asks youth to move around as a way to show their answers to some belief questions based on the first four sessions of Amazing Grace: Exploring Right and Wrong. Ask the youth to help move aside any chairs or other furniture that might... Closing From Amazing Grace Activity time: 3 minutes Materials for Activity Copies of Taking It Home, one for each participant Preparation for Activity Create a handout from Taking It Home that is specific to the activities used in this session. Description of Activity Briefly summarize what you have done in this session.... Leader Reflection and Planning From Amazing Grace Meet with your co-leaders after the session to reflect on how it went. How was your mix of discussion and action? Were participants respectful of each other's views when they talked about the ethics of eating? Review responses to the belief questions in Activity 5, Wall-to-Wall Questions.... Faith In Action: A Taste Of Ethics From Amazing Grace Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Two packages of ice cream (or other foods) of the same flavor - one organic and the other not Serving spoons Small bowls and spoons for sampling the ice cream Napkins and cleanup supplies Newsprint, markers and tape Preparation for Activity Determi... Alternate Activity 1: Ethics Play From Amazing Grace Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Two dice (extra large, if possible) of different colors Ethics Play role nametags Ethics Play Scenarios (Session 1, Leader Resources 2-7) Optional: Masks, costumes, and wigs for roles Preparation for Activity If you are or your group is new to Ethi... Alternate Activity 2: Virtue and Sin Poems From Amazing Grace Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Paper and pencils for all participants Description of Activity Youth express beliefs about right and wrong artistically. Ask participants to write four-line poems about right and wrong. Say the poems can rhyme or not. They also can be serious or... Alternate Activity 3: Electronic Virtue and Sin From Amazing Grace Activity time: 10 minutes Description of Activity Ask your youth to talk about what computer and video games teach people about right and wrong. Are the messages good or bad? Is playing such games good for kids? What about kids younger than sixth graders?... Taking It Home: Telling Right From Wrong From Amazing Grace Heaven and hell suppose two distinct species of men, the good and the bad. But the greatest part of mankind float betwixt vice and virtue. — David Hume IN TODAY’S SESSION…We had a competition to see which groups could come up with the most virtue and sin words. We heard the story of “Amazing... When No One Is Looking Jessica York From Amazing Grace Buddhist Jataka tale retold by Jessica York. In the town, there was a school for young people. The school was very poor, but the youth were mostly happy because they had teachers who were wise and who cared for them very much. One day, one of the wise teachers gathered the students. "Our school... Handout 1: Golden Rules From Amazing Grace Christian: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Hindu: Do naught to others which would cause you pain if done to you. Buddhist: Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful. Jewish: What thou thyself hatest, do to no man.... Find Out More From Amazing Grace Forrest, Heather. Wisdom Tales from around the World (Little Rock: August House Publishers, 1996).... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Amazing Grace NEXT: Introduction Download all of Amazing Grace (Word) to edit and print.