Session 2: Curious Faith Part of Amazing Grace, 6th Grade: Exploring Right and Wrong In This Section Introduction From Amazing Grace The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Session-at-a-Glance From Amazing Grace ACTIVITY MINUTES Opening 5 Activity 1: Sixth-Grade Sins 5 Activity 2: Story and Discussion – Pandora's Box 10 Activity 3: Sins and Virtues Relay Race 20 Activity 4: Backwards Pandora 7 Activity 5: Word-ly Ups and Downs 10 Faith in Action: UUs and Action 15 Closing 3 Alternate Activity 1: Your Own... Spiritual Preparation From Amazing Grace In the days before you present this session, revisit your own understanding of religion, faith, and spirituality. Explore your own thoughts about how the concepts of virtue and sin relate to and inform religion and faith. How has your faith informed your understanding of right and wrong? In the... Opening From Amazing Grace Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Conundrum Corner poster/banner A gift-wrapped box with a top that can be lifted off and a tag that says "DO NOT OPEN" Chalice and matches Recording of "Amazing Grace" and music player Optional: Newsprint, markers and tape Optional: Nametags and mark... Activity 1: Sixth-Grade Sins From Amazing Grace Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Small slips of paper Fine-tipped markers or pencils The gift-wrapped box in your Conundrum Corner Description of Activity The group will create its own Pandora's box of daily evils. Begin with words like these: Sin or wrongdoing affects our lives... Activity 2: Story and Discussion - Pandora's Box From Amazing Grace Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Story 1, "Pandora's Box" Preparation for Activity Re-acquaint yourself with the story of Pandora's box. Photocopy Story 1, "Pandora's Box," one for each participant.... Activity 3: Sins and Virtues Relay Race From Amazing Grace Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 1, Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Heavenly Virtues Handout 1, Sins and Virtues Meanings for each team Index cards A pencil for each team Preparation for Activity Find a good, safe place for a lively relay race, if that is the approach ... Activity 4: Backwards Pandora From Amazing Grace Activity time: 7 minutes Description of Activity This activity solicits youth's ideas about which evils the world could do without. Ask the group to conceive the story of Pandora's Box written backwards. How would it go?... Activity 5: Word-ly Ups and Downs From Amazing Grace Activity time: 10 minutes Description of Activity This activity combines discussion with some simple movement as it leads participants to think about the meaning and purposes of religion and faith. It ends with an optional summary of faith definitions. Remind the group, as appropriate, that you... Closing From Amazing Grace Activity time: 3 minutes Materials for Activity Copies of Taking It Home Preparation for Activity Create a handout from Taking It Home that is specific to the activities used in this session. Description of Activity Briefly summarize what you have done in this session. Hand out any Taking It Home... Leader Reflection and Planning From Amazing Grace Meet with your co-leaders after the session to reflect on the session. How was your mix of discussion and action? In the midst of all the business, did you successfully include spiritual elements? How much philosophy and depth are your participants able to handle or interested in discussing?... Faith In Action: UUs and Action From Amazing Grace Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers and tape Any information you have found in response to youth ideas offered during the first session Small pieces of scrap paper Pencils Small pieces of string Preparation for Activity Collect and bring in any information that may... Alternate Activity 1: Your Own 7s From Amazing Grace Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers and tape Optional: Index cards and pencils Description of Activity Ask participants to create their own lists of the seven worst (deadly) sins and the seven best (heavenly) virtues. The group can brainstorm its answers while a... Alternate Activity 2: Ethics Play From Amazing Grace Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Two dice (extra large, if possible) of different colors Ethics Play role nametags Ethics Play Scenarios (Session 1, Leader Resources 2-7) Optional: Masks, costumes, and wigs for roles Preparation for Activity If you are or your group is new to Ethi... Alternate Activity 3: Kid Curiosity From Amazing Grace Activity time: 5 minutes Description of Activity Lead a group discussion about curiosity. Is curiosity in children a virtue or not? Start things off with questions like these: Has anybody here ever gotten in trouble because of curiosity? What about birthday presents or Christmas presents-have you... Taking It Home: Curious Faith From Amazing Grace The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Pandoras Box From Amazing Grace If Pandora were alive today, she would probably sneak a peek at every gift under her Christmas tree. However, Pandora lived in very ancient times, according to a Greek myth. She herself was a gift, a special gift that Zeus sent to Earth.... Handout 1: Sins and Virtues Meanings From Amazing Grace Match the sin or virtue with its definition. Write on the index card the letter below that matches the sin or virtue it describes. Sins A. Laziness B. Trying to get everything for yourself C. Being jealous D. Anger E. Uncontrolled desire for something F. Too much eating or drinking G.... Leader Resource 1: Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Heavenly Virtues From Amazing Grace Print each sin and virtue on an index card to make a set. Make a set for each team. Teams may not have more than seven participants. You will need to estimate how many teams you will have. Keep the sets of virtues separate from the sets of sins. Sins Lust Gluttony Greed Sloth Wrath Envy Pride... Find Out More From Amazing Grace Andrews, Rev. Dr. Barry M. "Educating for Faith" in Essex Conversations: Visions for Lifespan Religious Education (Boston: Skinner House Books, 2001). Examines the idea of faith as a product of spirituality and religion. Amery, Heather. Greek Myths for Young Children (Tulsa: EDC Pub., 2000).... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Amazing Grace NEXT: Introduction Download all of Amazing Grace (Word) to edit and print.