Session 1: Introducing Amazing Grace: Exploring Right and Wrong Part of Amazing Grace In This Section Introduction From Amazing Grace I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see. — John Newton This session introduces Amazing Grace: Exploring Right and Wrong, giving a sense of its nature, a taste of its activities, and an experience of its richly mixed learning and fun. We explore the session's core question—"What... Session-at-a-Glance From Amazing Grace ACTIVITY MINUTES Opening 10 Activity 1: Wall-to-Wall Questions 10 Activity 2: Story and Discussion – Adam and Eve 7 Activity 3: Temptation Tales 10 Activity 4: Ethics Play 20 Faith in Action: Brainstorming Action 15 Closing 3 Alternate Activity 1: High-Energy Rope Pull 10 Alternate Activity 2:... Spiritual Preparation From Amazing Grace Spend a few quiet moments focusing on spirituality as connection with deep self, with others, with universe, with ultimate other, and with mystery. In the days before you present this session, reconnect with your own spiritual understanding of virtue and sin. Where do your ideas come from?... Opening From Amazing Grace Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Poster/banner decorated with question marks and the words "Conundrum Corner" An appealing apple Chalice and matches Recording of "Amazing Grace" and music player Optional: Newsprint, markers and tape Optional: Nametags and markers Optional: Decorat... Activity 1: Wall-to-Wall Questions From Amazing Grace Activity time: 10 minutes Description of Activity This activity asks youth to answer simple questions about who judges what is right and wrong. Prepare a clear space in which participants may easily move around. Explain that you are going to play wall-to-wall questions. You will ask a series of... Activity 2: Story and Discussion - Adam and Eve From Amazing Grace Activity time: 7 minutes Materials for Activity Story 1, “Adam and Eve” Optional: Hebrew Bible Preparation for Activity Reacquaint yourself with the story of Adam and Eve, in Genesis 2 and 3. Photocopy Story 1, “Adam and Eve,” one for each participant. Description of Activity Participants... Activity 3: Temptation Tales From Amazing Grace Activity time: 10 minutes Description of Activity Participants share personal stories of temptations. If your group seems willing to share, ask participants to tell stories about temptations they overcame. What did they really want to do that they knew was wrong? How did they overcome the... Activity 4: Ethics Play From Amazing Grace Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Two dice (extra large, if possible) of different colors Leader Resource 1, Ethics Play Roles Leader Resources 2, Ethics Play Scenario 1 - The Babysitter Leader Resource 3, Ethics Play Scenario 2 - Peers Leader Resource 4, Ethics Play Scenario 3 -... Closing From Amazing Grace Activity time: 3 minutes Materials for Activity Copies of Taking It Home Preparation for Activity Create a handout from Taking It Home that is specific to the activities used in this session. Description of Activity Briefly summarize what you have done in this session.... Leader Reflection and Planning From Amazing Grace Meet with your co-leaders after the session to reflect on the session. How was your mix of discussion and action? In the midst of all the business, did you successfully include spiritual elements? Do you have youth who have difficulty focusing?... Faith In Action: Brainstorming Action From Amazing Grace Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers and tape Preparation for Activity Decide with your co-leaders which of three approaches to use for Faith in Action. Description of Activity Youth brainstorm ideas for future Faith in Action activities.... Alternate Activity 1: High-Energy Rope Pull From Amazing Grace Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Strong rope long enough for a tug of war; maybe 20 feet Preparation for Activity Find an area, outdoors if possible, where your group can engage in a high-energy activity.... Alternate Activity 2: Playing God From Amazing Grace Activity time: 10 minutes Description of Activity A conversation about free will for groups that enjoy discussion Begin this activity by asking whether participants would like to play God. That is, would they like a chance to control other people? Does being God just mean you can control what... Alternate Activity 3: Adam and Eve Revisited From Amazing Grace Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Story 1, “Adam and Eve” Description of Activity If you have a bit of extra time to fill at any point, consider returning to the story of Adam and Eve and adding to the discussion with ideas like these: Hymn 207 in the Unitarian Universalist hymnal... Taking It Home From Amazing Grace I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see. — John Newton IN TODAY'S SESSION... This was the first session of Amazing Grace: Exploring Right and Wrong. Our story was "Adam and Eve," from the Hebrew scripture. We made our own Garden of Eden from pipe cleaners and talked about how... Adam and Eve From Amazing Grace Excerpted from Christian scriptures, Genesis 2 and 3 of the New Revised Standard Version. Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being.... Leader Resource 1: Ethics Play Roles From Amazing Grace STAR DEVIL CONSCIENCE GOD PARENT FRIEND JUROR JUROR JUROR JUROR JUROR JUROR... Leader Resource 2: Ethics Play Scenario 1 - The Babysitter From Amazing Grace There are six Ethics Play scenarios. Scenarios stand alone from the themes of any particular session, so you may use them with any session. The roll of the dice determines which scenario you use and which question you ask. Mark questions as you use them, to avoid repetition in future sessions.... Leader Resource 3: Ethics Play Scenario 2 - Peers From Amazing Grace There are six Ethics Play scenarios. Scenarios stand alone from the themes of any particular session, so you may use them with any session. The roll of the dice determines which scenario you use and which question you ask. Mark questions as you use them, to avoid repetition in future sessions.... Leader Resource 4: Ethics Play Scenario 3 - School From Amazing Grace There are six Ethics Play scenarios. Scenarios stand alone from the themes of any particular session, so you may use them with any session. The roll of the dice determines which scenario you use and which question you ask. Mark questions as you use them, to avoid repetition in future sessions.... Leader Resource 5: Ethics Play Scenario 4 - Family From Amazing Grace There are six Ethics Play scenarios. Scenarios stand alone from the themes of any particular session, so you may use them with any session. The roll of the dice determines which scenario you use and which question you ask. Mark questions as you use them, to avoid repetition in future sessions.... Leader Resource 6: Ethics Play Scenario 5 - Sports From Amazing Grace There are six Ethics Play scenarios. Scenarios stand alone from the themes of any particular session, so you may use them with any session. The roll of the dice determines which scenario you use and which question you ask. Mark questions as you use them, to avoid repetition in future sessions.... Leader Resource 7: Ethics Play Scenario 6 - Thorny Situations From Amazing Grace There are six Ethics Play scenarios. Scenarios stand alone from the themes of any particular session, so you may use them with any session. The roll of the dice determines which scenario you use and which question you ask. Mark questions as you use them, to avoid repetition in future sessions.... Find Out More From Amazing Grace "About Styrofoam Products," tips on using floral foam and other Dow Styrofoam projects at Styrofoam Crafts. Delf, Brian, illustrator. The Bible: The Really Interesting Bits! Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 1999. Very brief and well-illustrated versions of many Bible stories. Forrest,... PREVIOUS: Participant Feedback Form UP: Amazing Grace NEXT: Introduction Download all of Amazing Grace (Word) to edit and print.