Session 36: Earth Day Part of Chalice Children In This Section Introduction From Chalice Children For the beauty of the earth, for the splendor of the skies... — For the Beauty of the Earth, Hymn 21 in Singing the Living Tradition The children celebrate Earth Day with a walk outside.... Session-at-a-Glance From Chalice Children Activity Minutes Activity 1. Free Play 15 Activity 2. Circle Rhymes Transition 5 Activity 3: Circle Time 5 Activity 4: Story 5 Activity 5: Treasure Hunt Outside 15 Activity 6: Circle Games 10 Closing 5... Spiritual Preparation From Chalice Children Take time before the session and find a quiet place for reflection. How do you celebrate the earth? Are you a mountain climber or would you rather take a quiet walk? Are you a photographer? A poet? How do you appreciate this planet on which we live?... Opening From Chalice Children Description of Activity In the Chalice Children program, sessions begin with Activity 1, Free Play rather than a formal Opening. The chalice is lit in Activity 3, Circle Time. Activity 1: Free Play From Chalice Children Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Name tags Variety of free play options, such as toys, a puzzle, a storybook, manipulatives, dramatic play props, and markers and paper Supplies for a free play activity relating to children with mothers, fathers, and caregivers Preparation for... Activity 2: Circle Rhymes Transition From Chalice Children Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Circle Rhymes posters Preparation for Activity Display the Circle Rhymes posters from Session 1.... Activity 3: Circle Time From Chalice Children Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice-lighting words, written on newsprint Chalice with tea light flame or other preschool chalice option Feelings Chart or Feelings Flashcards by Todd Parr Preparation for Activity Post the chalice-lighting words on the wall near the Circle Time... Activity 4: Story From Chalice Children Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Story book Preparation for Activity Choose a story from the following suggestions: The Earth and I by Frank Asch, 2008. This story celebrates friendship that one child has with the Earth. They play together, listen to each other, and nourish each... Activity 5: Treasure Hunt Outside From Chalice Children Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Paper and crayons Gloves and trash bags (for adults) Optional: Stickers representing items in nature (leaves, trees, acorns, squirrels, insects) Optional: Cups, pitcher and water Preparation for Activity Arrange to walk around the outside of the... Activity 6: Circle Games From Chalice Children Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Optional: Clean recyclable items and a recycle bin Preparation for Activity Familiarize yourself with the games and songs and display any posters you have made. Leave time to include the two Earth Day themed songs presented below. Listen to the... Closing From Chalice Children Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Taking It Home handout Markers or crayons Preschool chalice Optional: Envelopes, hole punch, and yarn or ribbon Preparation for Activity Download and adapt Taking It Home and make a copy for each child.... Leader Reflection and Planning From Chalice Children Reflect on these questions and discuss them with your co-leaders: How do we feel about what went on during this session? Why? What was the best part of this session? Why? What preparations do we need to make for the next session? Taking It Home From Chalice Children For the beauty of the earth, for the splendor of the skies... —For the Beauty of the Earth, Hymn 21 in Singing the Living Tradition IN TODAY'S SESSION... We celebrated Earth Day with an outdoor treasure hunt and looked for nature's interesting plants, animals, rocks, and more. The children shared... Find Out More From Chalice Children Learn how congregations participate in the UUA's Green Sanctuary program. Watch the video "What Is Earth Day? A History" on YouTube. Read a sermon by Rev. Tracey Robinson-Harris, "Earth Day in Urgent Times," on the UUA Worship Web. PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Chalice Children NEXT: Introduction Download all of Chalice Children (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.