Session 28: Teddy Bear Party Part of Chalice Children, in Preschool In This Section Introduction From Chalice Children If you will show me compassion, then I may learn to care as you do.... Session-at-a-Glance From Chalice Children Activity Minutes Activity 1. Free Play 15 Activity 2. Circle Rhymes Transition 5 Activity 3: Circle Time 5 Activity 4: Story 5 Activity 5: Teddy Bear Picnic 15 Activity 6: Circle Games 10 Closing 5... Spiritual Preparation From Chalice Children Take time before the session and find a quiet place for reflection. Picture the circle of people whom you think of as your closest friends. How diverse is this circle? Consider age, gender, ethnicity or race, sexual orientation, disability status, country of origin.... Opening From Chalice Children Description of Activity In the Chalice Children program, sessions begin with Activity 1, Free Play, rather than a formal Opening. The chalice is lit in Activity 3, Circle Time. Activity 1: Free Play From Chalice Children Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Name tags Variety of free play options, such as toys, a puzzle, a storybook, manipulatives, dramatic play props, and markers and paper Items for an activity relating to Teddy Bear Month Preparation for Activity Make name tags for the children you a... Activity 2: Circle Rhymes Transition From Chalice Children Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Circle Rhymes posters Preparation for Activity Display the Circle Rhymes posters from Session 1. Description of Activity Using the same songs and chants each week will help the children transition smoothly and predictably from free play to Circle Time. Activity 3: Circle Time From Chalice Children Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice-lighting words, written on newsprint Chalice with tea light flame or other preschool chalice option Extra stuffed animals for those who did not bring one Feelings Chart or Feelings Flashcards by Todd Parr Preparation for Activity Before this... Activity 4: Story From Chalice Children Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Story book Preparation for Activity Choose a story from the following suggestions: Do Super Heroes Have Teddy Bears? by Carmela LeVigna Coyle, illustrated by Mike Gordon, 2012.... Activity 5: Teddy Bear Picnic From Chalice Children Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Printouts of chalice clip art, at least four different images per child Scissors Construction paper circles, two per child Hole punch Yarn Tape Glue sticks, one for each pair of children Several bowls of Fruit Loops, Cheerios, or other donut-shaped... Activity 6: Circle Games From Chalice Children Activity time: 10 minutes Preparation for Activity Familiarize yourself with the games and songs listed in Posters for Chalice Children, under Resources in the Introduction. Display any posters you have made. Description of Activity Gather in a circle on the floor, with the teddy bears. Sing the... Closing From Chalice Children Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Taking It Home handout Markers or crayons Preschool chalice Optional: Envelope, hole punch, and yarn or ribbon Preparation for Activity Download and adapt Taking It Home and make a copy for each child.... Leader Reflection and Planning From Chalice Children Reflect on these questions and discuss them with your co-leader: How do we feel about what went on during this session? Why? What was the best part of this session? Why? What preparation do we need for the next session? Taking It Home: Teddy Bear Party From Chalice Children If you will show me compassion, then I may learn to care as you do. —from "When I Am Frightened," Hymn 1012 in Singing the Journey IN TODAY'S SESSION . . . the theme was, "Chalice Children are all different, but we care about one another and celebrate together." This session concluded Teddy Bear... Find Out More From Chalice Children Read about Operation Teddy Bear, a stuffed animal drive conducted by the humanitarian group Border Angels that collected stuffed animals for immigrant children coming to San Diego, CA, from Central America. ... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Chalice Children NEXT: Introduction Download all of Chalice Children (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.