Handout 2: Solar Cookers International
Part of Chalice Children, in Preschool
"Solar Cookers International (SCI) is a nonprofit organization that works to improve human health, quality of life, and the environment by spreading solar cooking awareness and skills worldwide, particularly in areas with plentiful sunshine and diminishing sources of cooking fuel. Since its founding in 1987, SCI has enabled more than 30,000 families in Africa to cook with the sun's energy, freeing women and children from the burdens of gathering firewood, carrying it for miles, and then cooking over an open fire."
"Solar cooking can improve a woman's health, her children's health, her household budget, her field's ability to grow crops, her personal safety, and her educational opportunities. The sun's free, zero-emissions energy produces no household air pollution, preserving the environment as people cook food and pasteurize drinking water."
Learn more at the SCI website.