Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: Resistance and Transformation: An Adult Program on Unitarian Universalist Social Justice History


Activity time: 10 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Worship or centering table and chalice
  • Participant journals
  • Writing materials, including paper, pens, pencils, color pencils, and markers
  • Taking It Home handout

Preparation for Activity

  • Customize the Taking It Home section of this workshop and copy for participants.

Description of Activity

Make sure each participant has their journal and something to write with. Read this excerpt from the multi-faith Religious Declaration on Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing:

Our culture needs a sexual ethic focused on personal relationships and social justice rather than particular sexual acts. All persons have the right and responsibility to lead sexual lives that express love, justice, mutuality, commitment, consent and pleasure. Grounded in respect for the body and for the vulnerability that intimacy brings, this ethic fosters physical, emotional and spiritual health. It accepts no double standards and applies to all persons, without regard to sex, gender, color, age, bodily condition, marital status or sexual orientation.

Invite participants to reflect on the notion of "a sexual ethic focused on personal relationships and social justice rather than particular sexual acts." Ask them to consider what they might do to support the development of such an ethic.

Allow eight minutes for writing in journals.

Distribute Taking It Home.

Invite a participant to come forward and extinguish the chalice as you say these words: "As we extinguish this chalice, may we let the light of our tradition kindle our hope for a better world."