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From Resistance and Transformation
The sexuality education program is about wholeness and healing. It is about justice and equity. It is about responsibility to self and to others, and it's about enhancing the meaning and value of life itself, and those are all religious pursuits. — Judith A. Frediani, quoted in the 1999 UU World...
From Resistance and Transformation
Activity Minutes Welcoming and Entering 0 Opening 10 Activity 1: Human Sexuality and Social Justice 20 Activity 2: From About Your Sexuality to Our Whole Lives 20 Activity 3: Sex and the Media 30 Faith in Action: Sexuality Education and Sexual Justice Advocacy in our Congregation Closing 10...
Spiritual Preparation
From Resistance and Transformation
This topic has the potential to become intensely personal for you and participants. Read the workshop carefully and take note of any moments that trigger reflection on your own experiences....
Welcoming and Entering
From Resistance and Transformation
Materials for Activity Sign-in sheet and pen or pencil Name tags for participants (durable or single-use), and bold markers Copies of Workshop 1,Handout 1, Schedule Optional: Refreshments Preparation for Activity Have copies of Workshop 1, Handout 1, Schedule on hand for those who need one. Using...
From Resistance and Transformation
Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Worship or centering table Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED battery-operated candle Timepiece (minutes) Chime or bell Copies of Singing the Living Tradition, the UUA hymnbook, for all participants Participant journals Writing materials, includin...
Activity 1: Human Sexuality and Social Justice
From Resistance and Transformation
Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Handout 1, Religion and the New Morality Preparation for Activity Read Handout 1 and copy it for all participants. Write these questions on newsprint, and set aside: How does viewing sexuality as something connected to...
Activity 2: From About Your Sexuality to Our Whole Lives
From Resistance and Transformation
Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 2, From Liberation to Health Pens or pencils Preparation for Activity Read Handout 2, From Liberation to Health and copy it for all participants. Optional: Read the unabridged article on the UU World website....
Activity 3: Sex and the Media
From Resistance and Transformation
Activity time: 30 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 3, Press Release Pens and pencils Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Copy Handout 3, Press Release for all participants. Write these questions on newsprint, and post: How will you frame the issue to your advantage? What's...
From Resistance and Transformation
Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Worship or centering table and chalice Participant journals Writing materials, including paper, pens, pencils, color pencils, and markers Taking It Home handout Preparation for Activity Customize the Taking It Home section of this workshop and copy...
Leader Reflection and Planning
From Resistance and Transformation
Take a few moments right after the workshop to ask each other: What went well? What did not? Why? What do you think was the best moment of the workshop? Why? Did anything surprise you? Review the next workshop. Are there any questions to research or logistics to arrange between workshops? Make a...
Alternate Activity 1: In the Public Eye
From Resistance and Transformation
Activity time: 30 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 4, Loving Our Whole Lives Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Read Handout 4, Loving Our Whole Lives, and copy it for all participants. Pre-arrange for a participant to read Handout 4, Loving Our Whole Lives, aloud....
Taking It Home
From Resistance and Transformation
The sexuality education program is about wholeness and healing. It is about justice and equity. It is about responsibility to self and to others, and it's about enhancing the meaning and value of life itself, and those are all religious pursuits. — Judith A. Frediani, quoted in the 1999 UU World...
Handout 1: Religion and the New Morality
From Resistance and Transformation
James Luther Adams, quoted in the June, 1967 Playboy magazine article "Panel on Religion and the New Morality." A significant number of college students are already developing what I would call a new ethos....
Handout 2: From Liberation to Health
From Resistance and Transformation
Abridged from "From Liberation to Health: The New UUA Sexuality Curriculum," by Dan Kennedy, published in UU World Sept/Oct 1999. Copyright (C) 1999 by Dan Kennedy. All rights reserved. Used with permission....
Handout 3: Press Release
From Resistance and Transformation
PRESS ADVISORY — FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: From: (your congregation's name) Contact: (name, title, and phone number) Heading: Text:...
Handout 4: Loving Our Whole Lives
From Resistance and Transformation
From the sermon "Loving Our Whole Lives," preached at the Unitarian Church of Montreal by the Rev. Diane Rollert, March 1, 2009. Used with permission. (Rollert describes her experience in an Our Whole Lives facilitators training.) ... Many of us had come of age during the sexual revolution of the...
Find Out More
From Resistance and Transformation
Read "From Liberation to Health" by Dan Kennedy, from the September/October 1999 issue of UU World magazine. Learn more about Our Whole Lives sexuality education programs and resources. The Religious Institute: a multi-faith organization dedicated to advocating for sexual health, education, and...
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