Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: The New UU: A Program for Welcoming Newcomers to Unitarian Universalist Congregations


Part of The New UU

We gratefully acknowledge the use of the following material:

Excerpts from Cathedral of the World, by Forrest Church, copyright 2009 by Forrest Church. Reprinted by permission of Beacon Press, Boston.

"The Founding of the Dedham Church," from Our Covenant: The 2000-01 Minns Lectures, The Lay and Liberal Doctrine of the Church: The Spirit and the Promise of Our Covenant, by Alice Blair Wesley. (Chicago, IL: Meadville-Lombard Press, 2002). Used with permission.

The activity in Workshops 1 and 6, Sentence Starters, is adapted with permission from an idea of Rev. Mark Christian, parish minister at First Unitarian Church, Oklahoma City.