Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: What Moves Us: A Unitarian Universalist Theology Program for Adults

Taking It Home: George de Benneville

Part of What Moves Us

The spirit of Love will be intensified to Godly proportions when reciprocal love exists between the entire human race and each of its individual members. — George de Benneville (1703-1793)

Think of an action you might take to offer an unbounded moment of love to someone without expectation of a return. Do it such that your kindness is given as a gift without strings. Keep the gesture small, as a test for this way of being in the world. Decide, afterward, whether a theology of the Unbounded, Universal Love might become part of your spiritual practice.

Faith in Action

Look over the entries in your journal about personal practices that could help you generate and sustain love as foundational to your faith. Try three new ways to make love and compassion an active part of your spiritual practice. Invite others to join you in this work. Meet for dinner and share what you did and what you discovered.