Workshop 3: Dominant Culture and Identity Part of Building the World We Dream About: For Young Adults, 18-35 In This Section Introduction From Building the World We Dream About for Young Adults To consider "Whiteness" . . . is not an attack on people, whatever their skin color. Instead, [it] is an attempt to think critically about how white skin preference has operated systematically, structurally, and sometimes unconsciously as a dominant force in American—and indeed in global society... Workshop-at-a-Glance From Building the World We Dream About for Young Adults Activity Minutes Opening 3 Activity 1: Culture and Identity 45 Activity 2: Putting "White" on the Table 15 Activity 3: Racial/Ethnic Identity Formation 25 Activity 4: What Role Has Whiteness Played in Your Life? 25 Closing 2... Spiritual Preparation From Building the World We Dream About for Young Adults If you are a White person, meditate or journal about how you discovered your "whiteness." What role has Whiteness played in your life? If you are a Person of Color or from a group marginalized by race or ethnicity, how did you learn about "Whiteness?" How has Whiteness impacted your life? Opening From Building the World We Dream About for Young Adults Activity time: 3 minutes Materials for Activity Worship table or designated space Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED/battery-operated candle Leader Resource 1, Meditations of the Heart List of this workshop's goals Covenant established in Workshop 1 Description of Activity Light the chalice or... Activity 1: Culture and Identity From Building the World We Dream About for Young Adults Activity time: 45 minutes Materials for Activity A computer with Internet access, and a large monitor or a digital projector Newsprint, markers, and tape Paper and pens or pencils Preparation for Activity Preview… video, The... Activity 2: Putting "White" on the Table From Building the World We Dream About for Young Adults Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 2, Putting White on the Table Preparation for Activity Familiarize yourself with Leader Resource 2.... Activity 3: Racial/Ethnic Identity Formation From Building the World We Dream About for Young Adults Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 1, Four Stages of Identity Formation: A Model Handout 2, Four Stages of White Identity Formation: A Model A computer with Internet access, and a large monitor or a digital projector Newsprint, markers, and tape Participant journals and writ... Activity 4: What Role Has Whiteness Played in Your Life? From Building the World We Dream About for Young Adults Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 3, Serial Testimony Protocol Newsprint, markers, and tape Optional: Talking stick or other object for each small group Preparation for Activity Read Leader Resource 3 and prepare to explain the serial testimony process to the group. Closing From Building the World We Dream About for Young Adults Activity time: 2 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of Singing the Living Tradition, the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook Taking It Home Preparation for Activity Copy Taking It Home for each participant. Description of Activity Distribute Taking It Home.... Taking It Home: Dominant Culture and Identity From Building the World We Dream About for Young Adults To consider "Whiteness" . . . is not an attack on people, whatever their skin color. Instead, [it] is an attempt to think critically about how white skin preference has operated systematically, structurally, and sometimes unconsciously as a dominant force in American—and indeed in global society... Handout 1: Four Stages of Identity Formation: A Model From Building the World We Dream About for Young Adults This model can be a valuable tool to help people who identify as a Person of Color or as a member of a historically marginalized ethnic group, and those working with them, to better understand identity formation.... Handout 2: Four Stages of White Identity Formation: A Model From Building the World We Dream About for Young Adults This model can be a valuable tool to help people who identify as White to better understand their identity formation. A limitation of such a model is that human beings are all different and that each of us is constantly evolving and changing. Keep in mind that these stages are meant as guidelines. Leader Resource 1: Meditations of the Heart From Building the World We Dream About for Young Adults Excerpted from Meditations of the Heart by Howard Thurman. Copyright (C) 1953, 1981 by Anne Thurman. Reprinted by permission of Beacon Press, Boston, Massachusetts. It is very easy to pretend to understand what one does not understand.... Leader Resource 2: Putting White on the Table From Building the World We Dream About for Young Adults Read the following sentences aloud in pairs, pausing briefly between the two items in each pair, and pausing again after each pair is read. This is my best friend, Mandy. This is my best white friend, Mandy. I love green beans. I love green beans made by that white company Dole Foods.... Leader Resource 3: Serial Testimony Protocol From Building the World We Dream About for Young Adults Adapted from the work of Peggy McIntosh and Emily Style. "Giving testimony" can mean bearing witness, giving evidence, speaking the truth of one's experience and perspective, and claiming responsibility for one's own truth. The serial testimony protocol is very simple: The facilitator poses a... Find Out More From Building the World We Dream About for Young Adults The UUA Multicultural Growth & Witness staff group offers resources, curricula, trainings, and tools to help Unitarian Universalist congregations and leaders engage in the work of antiracism, antioppression, and multiculturalism. Visit... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Building the World We Dream About - Young Adults NEXT: Introduction Download all of Building the World We Dream About: For Young Adults (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.