Workshop 11: The Experience of Whiteness from Others Point of View Part of Building the World We Dream About In This Section Introduction From Building the World We Dream About Whatever any of us concludes about race relations, we should start by including all of us. — Frank Wu, author of Yellow This workshop introduces perspectives on "Whiteness" from people who belong to marginalized racial/ethnic identity groups. It provides resources that will engage participants... Workshop-at-a-Glance From Building the World We Dream About Activity Minutes Welcoming and Entering 0 Opening 10 Activity 1: Sharing Reflections on Whiteness 25 Activity 2: Voices and Perspectives 35 Activity 3: Large Group Discussion 40 Closing 10 Alternate Activity 1: We'll Build a Land 20... Spiritual Preparation From Building the World We Dream About Consider interactions, relationships, and friendships you have had with people of a different race or ethnicity from your own. What did you learn from others? What broader perspectives did you gain? Were there things that you wish you had known or that you wish you had done/said differently? If... Welcoming and Entering From Building the World We Dream About Materials for Activity Sign-in sheet and pen or pencil Name tags for participants (durable or single-use) and bold markers Optional: Music and player Optional: Snacks and beverages Preparation for Activity Arrange chairs in a circle and set out name tags and markers on a table.... Opening From Building the World We Dream About Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Worship table or designated space Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED/battery-operated candle Leader Resource 1, Ask Me Participant evaluations from previous workshop List of this workshop's Goals Covenant established in Workshop 1 Preparation for... Activity 1: Sharing Reflections on Whiteness From Building the World We Dream About Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Talking stick or other object Description of Activity Invite participants to share thoughts or observations they have had about Whiteness since the last workshop.... Activity 2: Voices and Perspectives From Building the World We Dream About Activity time: 35 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 1, Theology and Antiracism - Latino and Latina Perspectives Handout 2, Parents Shouldn't Take Their Children's Race Personally Handout 3, We Are One Handout 4, Come Ye Disconsolate Newsprint, markers, and tape Optional: Drinking from Our Ow... Activity 3: Large Group Discussion From Building the World We Dream About Activity time: 40 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint responses from Activity 2 small groups Description of Activity Invite each group to report about their article or video, using their recorded responses as a guide.... Closing From Building the World We Dream About Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Lined paper and pens/pencils Copies of Singing the Living Tradition, the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook Taking It Home Handout 1, Theology and Antiracism - Latino and Latina Perspectives Handout 2, Parents Shouldn't Take Their Children's Race... Leader Reflection and Planning From Building the World We Dream About Take a few moments right after the workshop to ask each other: What went well? What didn't? Why? What do you think was the best moment of the workshop? Why? Did anything surprise you? Do we need to make changes in the way we work together? Alternate Activity 1: We'll Build a Land From Building the World We Dream About Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Singing the Living Tradition, the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook, enough for participants to share Handout 5, Pirates, Boats, and Adventures in Cross-Cultural Engagement Optional: Singing the Journey, the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook supplement... Taking It Home: The Experience of Whiteness from Others Point of View From Building the World We Dream About Whatever any of us concludes about race relations, we should start by including all of us. — Frank Wu, author of Yellow Read (or reread) and reflect on the voices and perspectives in the handouts. Then, write questions, puzzlements, observations, and new insights you have. Find a conversation... Handout 1: Theology and Antiracism: Latino and Latina Perspectives Patricia Jimenez From Building the World We Dream About Excerpted from an essay, originally published in Soul Work: Anti-racist Theologies in Dialogue, Marjorie Bowens-Wheatley and Nancy Palmer Jones, editors (Boston, Skinner House, 2003). Used with permission. Race. Class. Culture. [Unitarian Universalist minister] Marta Valentin called these the... Handout 2: Parents Shouldn't Take Their Children's Race Personally From Building the World We Dream About Joseph Santos-Lyons from The Arc of the Universe is Long (Boston: Skinner House, 2009). This was broadcast on KBOO 90.7 in Portland, Oregon, on July 19, 2006. Santos-Lyons was a founding member of DRUUMM (Diverse and Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries) and a young adult... Handout 3: We Are One Peter Morales From Building the World We Dream About Originally published in A People So Bold: Theology and Ministry for Unitarian Universalists, edited by John Gibb Millspaugh (Boston: Skinner House, 2010). Used with permission. The hilly countryside of Chiapas is dotted everywhere with milpas, patches of corn.... Handout 4: Come Ye Disconsolate From Building the World We Dream About By Taquiena Boston, originally published in A People So Bold: Theology and Ministry for Unitarian Universalists, edited by John Gibb Millspaugh (Boston: Skinner House, 2010). Used with permission.... Handout 5: Pirates, Boats, and Adventures in Cross-Cultural Engagement From Building the World We Dream About General Assembly 2009 web coverage Presented by the Council for Cross-Cultural Engagement: Rev. Danielle DiBona, President of Diverse and Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM); Rev. David Takahashi Morris; Linda Friedman, General Assembly (GA) Planning Committee;... Leader Resource 1: Ask Me William Stafford From Building the World We Dream About Some time when the river is ice ask me mistakes I have made. Ask me whether what I have done is my life. Others have come in their slow way into my thought, and some have tried to help or to hurt — ask me what difference their strongest love or hate has made. I will listen to what you say.... Find Out More From Building the World We Dream About The UUA Multicultural Growth & Witness staff group offers resources, curricula, trainings, and tools to help Unitarian Universalist congregations and leaders engage in the work of antiracism, antioppression, and multiculturalism. Visit... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Building the World We Dream About NEXT: Introduction Download all of Building the World We Dream About (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.