Our Whole Lives, Revised

Youth discuss and interact
Logo for Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education series

Our Whole Lives: Sexuality Education for Grades 7-9 is fully revised and available from the UUA Bookstore. This 25-workshop program is the keystone in the lifespan series of sexuality education programs the UUA and United Church of Christ published together beginning 1999.

We offer Our Whole Lives for grades K-1grades 4-6grades 7-9grades 10-12young adultsadults, and­—soon—older adults. Each OWL program for children and youth recognizes parents as the primary sexuality educators, and the elementary age OWL programs include a Parent Guide to prepare parents for this responsibility.

Our congregations have a strong history of progressive, inclusive, and accurate sexuality education.

Find a congregation near you to discover how you can get involved.

Our Whole Lives, Grades 7-9, Second Edition

By Pamela M. Wilson

From inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop

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