UU Voices
Right now, Unitarian Universalism is having a big, important conversation about institutional racism and white supremacy inside and outside our faith. It’s a big, important conversation, and it’s different for different people with different experiences and identities, different scars and...
June 22, 2017 | From UU Voices -
UUA.org, the website of the Unitarian Universalist Association, has just received a major refresher. With over 1.8 million visitors per year, UUA.org is the virtual front door to 1000+ Unitarian Universalist congregations and communities, and offers a critical way for individual Unitarian...
May 22, 2017 | From UU Voices -
In the past few weeks, over 550 of 1000+ Unitarian Universalist congregations have joined the independently-organized UU White Supremacy Teach-In on April 30 - May 7, 2017. It is a chance to look critically within our faith communities - for the ways racism, sexism and white supremacy live....
April 21, 2017 | From UU Voices -
On Tuesday, January 10, six staff members of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) were awarded with the United States Secretary of Defense’s office of Employer Support to the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Patriot Award, an award given to individuals who have shown dedicated support for an...
By Lauren Walleser | January 13, 2017 | From UU Voices -
Unitarian Universalists have a long history of political activism and public witness on a wide variety of social justice issues. Are you or your congregation interested in becoming more politically active? Do you have questions on what is and isn’t allowed especially as it relates to your...
By Rachel Walden | January 11, 2017 | From UU VoicesTagged as: 5th Principle (Conscience & Democracy), Activism, Church & State, Democracy, Politics, Congregational Action, Social Justice -
On Thursday, November 3, over 500 clergy – including over 50 Unitarian Universalist clergy – answered the call to come to Standing Rock in solidarity, prayer, and action with the Standing Rock Sioux Nation and the water protectors. The goal of the peaceful interfaith witness was to increase...
By Jill Goddard | November 7, 2016 | From UU VoicesTagged as: #NoDAPL, Climate Justice -
Millions of Americans watched Defying the Nazis: The Sharps’ War on PBS on September 2016. The film by Ken Burns and Artemis Joukowsky tells the courageous story of two Unitarians who helped hundreds escape from Nazi-occupied Europe.
By UUA Outreach and Public Witness, Communications | October 12, 2016 | From UU Voices -
Debbie Cenziper is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter at The Washington Post. Over 20 years, Debbie's stories have sent people to prison, changed laws, prompted federal investigations and produced more funding for affordable housing, mental health care and public schools....
August 9, 2016 | From UU VoicesTagged as: Marriage Equality -
At General Assembly, the Service of the Living Tradition (SLT) has been described by some as a raucous party celebrating clergy milestones and by others as a solemn opportunity to honor generations of Unitarian Universalist ministers. Whether raucous or solemn, formal or familial, the annual SLT is a wonderful chance to pause, reflect, and celebrate all the diverse individuals who are called to serve Unitarian Universalism through ministry. To honor the complexity of Unitarian Universalist ministry, we asked this year’s cohort of retiring ministers to share wisdom they’ve received or give advice of their own to those newly entering ministry—though there is wisdom here for all.
By Rachel Walden | May 17, 2016 | From UU VoicesTagged as: Career Development for Ministers, General Assembly -
The Rev. Jamil Scott, International Order of Buddhist Ministers, is Acting Director of Religious Exploration at First Unitarian Society of Denver, CO. In November 2015, the congregation’s Black Lives Matter banner was defaced with red paint. This is his story of what happened next. Being a person...
May 3, 2016 | From UU VoicesTagged as: #BlackLivesMatter, Forgiveness, Children's Faith Development, Racial Justice