Unitarian Universalist Association Joins UU Climate Justice Revival Coalition of Unitarian Universalist Organizations and Friends Launches Effort to Reimagine Climate Justice Work with Revival Weekend September 28th and 29th

Media Contact:
Suzanne Morse
Ph: (617) 948-4650
Email: smorse@uua.org

Boston, Mass. (May 9, 2024) – The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) has joined a coalition of Unitarian Universalist (UU) organizations and partners to launch the UU Climate Justice Revival. The UU Climate Justice Coalition and Friends will host the UU Climate Justice Revival in hundreds of UU congregations, during the weekend of September 28th and 29th. Congregations and potential sponsors can find information about participating at the UU Climate Justice Revival website.

“Reimagine Together: From an Extractive Age to a New Era” will provide UU congregations and others with the resources they need to collectively reimagine a spirit-filled and liberatory future. Through multigenerational activities, conversations, worship, and advocacy, the revival will catalyze a shared vision and purpose within congregations to realize climate justice and collective liberation in UU communities and beyond.

“This work, this calling, this shared leadership is central to my hopes and dreams for us as Unitarian Universalists,” said Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt, the UUA’s president, who announced the UU Climate Justice Revival in a video on Earth Day. “Let me remind us that the work of climate justice is the work of disability rights. It’s the work of racial justice. It is gender justice and immigrant rights. It is the work of animal rights, of reproductive justice. It is central to our democratic organizing and to our work together to live into our values in the world.”

The coalition will provide congregations with everything they need to host a revival event in their communities, including discussion guides and materials for all ages, training, worship resources, and advocacy actions designed to transform communities through climate justice. The revival is purposely designed to encourage collaboration amongst congregational teams and break down silos within and across communities.

“Climate change is a racial justice, disability justice, gender justice, and economic justice issue, and without question a moral issue that all faith traditions – including Unitarian Universalism - must address while dismantling the systems of oppression and extraction that disproportionately harm our communities,” said Rachel Myslivy, the UUA’s Climate Justice Strategist. “The Revival is an important way for UUs who care deeply about both the environment and our justice priorities to evolve and grow together.”

The UU Climate Justice Coalition consists of UU organizations coordinating and collaborating to enact climate justice. Grounded in a faithful call as a community of practice, members of the coalition share resources, build skills, and organize actions that advance a future with climate justice, collective liberation, and a world where all life flourishes. Current participating organizations include Coalition of UU State Action Networks, UU Animal Ministry, UU College of Social Justice, UU Women's Federation, UUA International Office, UUA Side with Love, UUs for a Just Economic Community, UU Ministry for Earth, UU Young Adults for Climate Justice Caucus, UU Service Committee, and UUs for Social Justice.

Congregations interested in hosting a revival event and organizations interested in becoming a sponsor of the UU Climate Justice Revival can do so at the revival website.

About the UUA

The UUA is the central organization for the Unitarian Universalist (UU) religious movement in the United States. Our faith is diverse and inclusive and the UUA’s 1000+ member congregations are committed to principles and values that hold closely the worth and dignity of each person as sacred, the need for justice and compassion, the right of conscience, and respect for the interdependent nature of all existence.