The Butterfly Effect
In times of transition and uncertainty, we are often compelled to look to the poets to help us understand both the world we live in and the one we wish to create.
Unitarian Universalism has a long tradition of drawing inspiration and meaning making from poetry and so, on this day, the Unitarian Universalist Association brings to you the poem “The Butterfly Effect” by Rev. Julián Jamaica Soto, which is a part of their poetry collection Spilling the Light, published by Skinner House Books.
Rev. Julián Jamaica Soto is a Unitarian Universalist minister, activist, and organizer who currently serves as Executive Director of TRUUST (Transgender Religious professional Unitarian Universalists Together).
We thank Rev. Soto for allowing us to share their prophetic voice, for reflecting so eloquently the shared values that UUs affirm, and for helping us all to envision a future where we understand our interdependence and uplift the dignity and worthiness of all.
The Butterfly Effect
by Rev. Julián Jamaica Soto
from “Spilling the Light”
You can find the full poem at