Patricia Infante

Patricia Hall Infante

Patricia Hall Infante is a lifelong Unitarian Universalist who grew up in a large New York City congregation. Her first career as a contract negotiator was put on hold while she took the job of full-time mother to two wonderful boys (an investment that continues to pay dividends). After a workshop at the Unitarian Universalist Association 1994 General Assembly about the book Your Money or Your Life, Pat began to act with greater intention to bring her work life and consumption into alignment with her UU values. In 1997 her heart led her to begin a career in religious education and she served the UUA Central East Region until 2023. Pat is a credentialed religious educator and, in 2016, was named DRE Emerita of the UU Church in Cherry Hill. She and her partner of 30+ years live a life of deep gratitude and rich abundance in New Jersey.

From Patricia Infante

Displaying 11 - 20 of 43

Many congregations are in the waning days of their annual stewardship campaign. Are you thinking, “whew, glad that’s done until next year?” Well…not so fast!

By Patricia Infante | April 8, 2019 | From Better Together
Tagged as: Stewardship for Congregations

I have just returned from the annual Fall Conference of the Liberal Religious Educators Association in Houston TX. The theme was “Changing the Narrative” and issues of white supremacy culture within our denomination and the urgency of empowering and sustaining leaders of color were central. What...

By Patricia Infante | November 12, 2018 | From Better Together
Tagged as: Change & Conflict, Racial Justice, Faith Development

As religious educators wrestle with the shifting trend towards “family ministry,” many congregations are seeking resources and concrete examples of what’s working. We’ll look at two congregations that have committed to a version of the “Family Ministry” model and some of the specific...

Webinar | By Patricia Infante | November 9, 2018 | From LeaderLab
Tagged as: Families & Faith Development, Faith Development

How can Religious Educators help parents be the primary religious educators for their children? This webinar presented practices and tools that parents can use to reinforce meaningful participate in a faith community.

Video | By Patricia Infante | October 18, 2018 | From LeaderLab
Tagged as: Families & Faith Development

Innovation! Adaptation!! Experimentation!!! We live in a time of incredible change and shifting paradigms. Technology continues to zoom along at a pace that is breathtaking and society seems to be chomping at the bit for the next big thing. At the same time, some of the things we thought we could...

By Patricia Infante | March 19, 2018 | From Better Together
Tagged as: Leadership Development

What is working well today, including the tried and true, and new ideas. What is not working so well, and how can it be improved or replaced. How can we use technology and social media. How can we reach the people who are hard to reach. Can we effectively diversify our revenue streams....

Webinar | By Patricia Infante, Barry Finklestein, Central East Region of the UUA | January 16, 2018 | From LeaderLab
Tagged as: Fundraising for Congregations, Stewardship for Congregations

Recognizing the baggage we bring and the anxiety many of us have about money and stewardship, how can we talk about sharing our gifts in service of the whole, that is, our beloved faith community....

Webinar | By Patricia Infante, Barry Finklestein, Central East Region of the UUA | January 16, 2018 | From LeaderLab
Tagged as: Fundraising for Congregations, Stewardship for Congregations

Participants will be invited to reflect on their recent campaigns and learn how to generate new ideas, new themes, and attract new people. Consider what have we not done for a while, what stewardship message does our congregation need this year, what would we do with more money....

Webinar | By Patricia Infante, Barry Finklestein, Central East Region of the UUA | January 16, 2018 | From LeaderLab
Tagged as: Fundraising for Congregations, Stewardship for Congregations

Congregations are relational spaces that rely on the integrity of individuals to create a community grounded in covenant, compassion and mutual trust. Sometimes, many times in fact, our sense of trust in individuals, leaders or the organization is damaged in ways that test the sense of personal,...

Utility | By Patricia Infante | January 11, 2018 | From Central East Region
Tagged as: Professional Misconduct, Safe Congregations

This is often the first place that safety concerns begin to emerge in a congregation. We think of children and youth as our most vulnerable population and there are often laws and requirements imposed on us to ensure a higher level of safety for these groups....

Utility | By Patricia Infante | January 11, 2018 | From Central East Region
Tagged as: Child Safety, Safe Congregations

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