Nancy McDonald Ladd

Director of Communications and Public Ministry



Nancy smiles softly with her head tilted, wearing glasses, a pink blouse with puffed sleeves and her brown hair tucked behind her left ear.

Nancy McDonald Ladd is Director of Communications and Public Ministry at the UUA. Rev. Ladd leads the development and implementation of the UUA’s communications strategy; ensure that strategy addresses the UUA’s intersectional justice priorities, development engagement and relationships with significant constituencies; set central messages for the Association; oversee a planning process for communications priorities across the UUA; and manage Communications staff.
Previously, she served as Senior Minister at River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation from 2012 - 2024. At River Road UU, Rev. Ladd led a vibrant multicultural, multiracial staff team through challenges, changes, and rewards. Under her leadership, River Road became both a beacon and a beta-test for new forms of lay, staff and clergy collaboration within and across congregations.

Along with the Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti, she co-edited a new volume (published by the UUA’s publishing imprint Skinner House Books), Seeds of a New Way: Nurturing Authentic and Diverse Religious Leadership, which explores the unique demands and possibilities such collaboration can bring to leadership in the progressive faith tradition of Unitarian Universalism.

She lives in Bethesda, Maryland with her spouse and two children, an elegant cat and an elderly dog.

From Nancy McDonald Ladd

Displaying 1 - 10 of 13

A universalist God for a tragic era is not a gauzy, hymn-singing force of personal devotion that draws us endlessly toward itself, but a fierce and compelling power that grips us by the collar amid our rebellious descent and calls us to choose the will to mutuality…

Quote | By Nancy McDonald Ladd | May 31, 2024 | From WorshipWeb
Tagged as: Caring, Conscience, God, Interdependence, Love, Universalism

What will it take for diverse leadership within Unitarian Universalism to truly thrive and contribute to a radiant and inclusive future?...

Book | By Manish Mishra-Marzetti, Nancy McDonald Ladd | April 13, 2024 | For Adults | From The Mosaic
Tagged as: Ableism, Anti-Racism, Diversity & Inclusion, BIPOC Experiences, Welcome & Inclusion for LGBTQ, Classism, Congregational Transformation, Sexism/Gender-Based Oppression, Leadership Development

Editors Manish Mishra-Marzetti and Nancy McDonald Ladd and contributors explore how to foster and nourish diverse and authentic leadership within congregations.

Book | By Manish Mishra-Marzetti, Nancy McDonald Ladd | From inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop
Tagged as: Community, Diversity, Faith, Justice, Leadership, Social Justice

If God’s name is love, then God compels us to resist the fall to sinful violence by pushing back with muscular resolve against the social structures that confine our capacity to care. A universalist God for a tragic era is not a gauzy, hymn-singing force of personal devotion that draws us...

Quote | By Nancy McDonald Ladd | February 29, 2020 | From WorshipWeb
Tagged as: 2nd Principle (Justice, Equity, & Compassion), Anti-Oppression, Commitment, God, Living Our Faith, Purpose, Responsibility, Universalism

General Assembly 2019 Event 228 Program Description For generations, liberal pulpits have rung with grand sermons about progress “onward and upward forever,” yet our people struggle to make sense of both their own suffering and enduring injustice all around us. What resilience lies beyond our...

Video | By Nancy McDonald Ladd | July 2, 2019 | From GA Presentations
Tagged as: Online GA, General Assembly

To work for justice, religious liberals should let perfectionism go.

Feature | By Nancy McDonald Ladd | March 1, 2019 | From UU World
Tagged as: Commitment, Identity, Justice, Anti-Oppression, UU Theology

With humor and humanity, Nancy McDonald Ladd calls religious progressives to greater authenticity and truth-telling rather than mere optimism.

Book | By Nancy McDonald Ladd | From Skinner House Books
Tagged as: Unitarian Universalism

When we say, "Save the rainforest," we don’t mean that we cease to honor the mighty cedars or the reaching pines. We mean that one particular piece of a deeply sacred whole is more at risk than others, and that this risk, this threat, is worthy of our very bravest actions. So it is with black...

Quote | By Nancy McDonald Ladd | April 9, 2018 | From WorshipWeb
Tagged as: #BlackLivesMatter, Activism, Anti-Oppression, Commitment, Humanism, Race/Ethnicity, Secular, Wholeness

I truly do not care if a god ever hears me when I pray, but praying together with others is among the most transformative work that I do.

By Nancy McDonald Ladd | February 15, 2017 | From Spirit
Tagged as: Spiritual Practice

This reading is an excerpt of the sermon delivered by Rev. Nancy McDonald Ladd on Sunday morning at General Assembly 2016. For as long as two or more have gathered in the name of the spirit, those two or more have fought some fake fights. You remember, perhaps, the classic wedding reading from...

Reading | By Nancy McDonald Ladd | October 19, 2016 | From WorshipWeb
Tagged as: Anger, Christianity, Community, Compromise, Conflict, Conscience, Purpose, Relationships, Secular, Self-Respect, Seven Principles, Unitarian Universalism, Unity, Wholeness

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