Deborah Neisel-Sanders

Image of Deborah Neisel-Sanders, UUA Office Administrator, Youth and Young Adult Ministries.

Deborah (she/her/hers) worked on UUA staff in the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries and then Lifespan Faith Engagement from 2009-2020. She brought more than thirty years' experience providing administrative support to organizations large and small, both corporate and not-for-profit. Her breadth of non-profit experience includes work at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Monroe Community College, The Center for Youth Services, and United Way of Greater Rochester (NY). Deborah is personally committed to creating a just society and intentionally multicultural, multigenerational Unitarian Universalist communities. She enacts this vision through social justice and activism, particularly on issues affecting transgender and gender non-conforming people. Deborah is a formerly rabid knitter, a currently avid sewist, and has recently taken up running, thanks to the encouragement of her office teammate Ted Resnikoff.