Connie Goodbread

Acting Director, HOPE for Us Conflict Engagement Team

HOPE for Us Conflict Engagement Team in Congregational Life


Telephone: (727) 772-3508

Headshot of Connie Goodbread

Connie Goodbread is serving Unitarian Universalism as HOPE for Us Conflict Engagement Team Director. Connie studied Healthy Congregations development and conflict identification and transformation with Rev. Dr. Peter Steinke. She developed a conflict process called Pathfinder that was born out of that work with Rev. Dr. Peter Steinke.

Connie served as Co-Lead of UUA Southern Region for three years. She has served in one capacity or another in every region of our Association. Prior to that she served two congregations as a Credentialed Religious Educator.

From Connie Goodbread

Displaying 1 - 10 of 27

Connie Goodbread, HOPE for Us Conflict Engagement Team Co-Director, shares her recent blog post titled, "Boundaries and Covenant."

By Connie Goodbread | June 1, 2023 | From MidAmerica News

When we lean into creative conflict, doing our best to create courageous space, we must understand that it can’t be accomplished without setting boundaries. I would never suggest that anyone should put up with any kind of abuse. In loving relationships people should know one another’s needs,...

By Connie Goodbread | May 23, 2023 | From Southern Region
Tagged as: Covenant

Creative Conflict by Connie Goodbread, HOPE for Us Conflict Engagement Team Co-Director

By Connie Goodbread | May 1, 2023 | From MidAmerica News

As human beings we are conflict avoidant – until we are not. Then we are willing to destroy one another. Conflict begins when there is more than one idea, opinion, or experience in the room. We are so conflict avoidant that we even avoid using the word conflict for this experience. We can’t see...

By Connie Goodbread | April 19, 2023 | From Southern Region
Tagged as: Change & Conflict

As of May 1, 2021, Hope for Us: Conflict Engagement Team has been working together to develop teams and processes to help Congregational Life Staff serve congregations in conflict. This process of formation will, of course, take time. We are off to a great start. Hope for Us: Conflict Engagement...

By Connie Goodbread, Tandi Rogers | May 26, 2021 | From Southern Region

I have been offered and have accepted the job of Acting Director of HOPE For Us: Conflict Engagement. I am excited about this opportunity and honored to have been asked to serve in this capacity. Rev. Dr. Hope Johnson and I had been working together on the idea of this program for several years....

By Connie Goodbread | April 1, 2021 | From Southern Region

Difficult conversations are... well, difficult. And then church adds a whole other layer of complexity. What does our Unitarian Universalist theology tell us about conflict and difficult conversations?

Webinar | By Connie Goodbread, Tandi Rogers | February 27, 2021 | From LeaderLab
Tagged as: Conflict Management in Congregations

Looking Forward, Looking Back, Connie Who knew that watching the Inauguration and the restoration of basic operations of our government would make us feel such a mixture of emotions. The years of broken norms within our government and the horrors of the pandemics of both racism and COVID-19 have...

By Connie Goodbread, Natalie Briscoe | February 1, 2021 | From Southern Region

Explore how rooting stewardship in spirituality and trust can inspire generosity. Participants will consider the alignment of our resources and our UU values, as well as creating a culture of legacy in our congregations.

Webinar | By Connie Goodbread, Vail Weller | September 14, 2020 (reviewed June 2024) | From LeaderLab
Tagged as: Stewardship for Congregations

Yesterday someone said to me – “well - what will this all look like when it’s over?” The question was in earnest. I looked at them. I smiled, they needed something from me that I did not have - an answer. I have never been here before, I don’t know - but they needed something to hang on to...

By Connie Goodbread | June 13, 2020 | From Southern Region

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