Betsy Hill Williams

Editor Betsy Hill Williams was the director of religious education at CLF for more than 10 years.

From Betsy Hill Williams

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7

Twenty-six stories from the first five years of uu & me, the kids' magazine published by the Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF)...

Book | By Betsy Hill Williams | From Skinner House Books
Tagged as: Unitarian Universalism

A child-friendly version of the sources of our Unitarian Universalist faith that inform our understanding of right and wrong.

Book | By Betsy Hill Williams, Jane Rzepka, Ken Sawyer, Keith Kron, Keith Kron | From inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop
Tagged as: Ethics, Principles and Purposes, Children's Faith Development, UU Beliefs, UU Theology

About Death presents a gentle, yet unsentimental, story about how a family deals with the death of their beloved dog.

Book | By Betsy Hill Williams, Jane Rzepka, Ken Sawyer, Noreen Kimball | For Children | From inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop
Tagged as: Children, Death, Grief, Children's Faith Development

About God takes a complex and challenging religious concept and makes it accessible to Unitarian Universalist children.

Book | By Betsy Hill Williams, Ken Sawyer, Noreen Kimball, Jane Rzepka, Hannah Holby | From inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop
Tagged as: God, Religious Pluralism, UU Theology, Faith Development

Teach participants these sounds and actions. Invite them to listen for your cues to act them out during the story. 1. Gallop a gallop a gallop (slapping hands on legs) 2. Clippity Clop, Clippity Clop (slapping hands on floor) 3. Taking care of you (patting your neighbor on the shoulder) 4....

Story | By Betsy Hill Williams | October 27, 2011 | For Children, Grades K-1 | From Love Surrounds Us
Tagged as: 2nd Principle (Justice, Equity, & Compassion), Anti-Oppression, Compassion, Courage, Dignity, Health, Inclusion, Prophetic Words & Deeds, Salvation, Service, Universalism, War, Women

"The Big Question" by Betsy Williams is taken from uu&me, Summer, 2006 (Church of the Larger Fellowship). Used by permission of the author. Milo liked numbers....

Story | By Betsy Hill Williams | October 27, 2011 | For Children, Grade 6, Middle School | From Riddle and Mystery
Tagged as: Belief, Religion, Unitarian Universalism

From uu & me! Collected Stories, edited by Betsy Hill Williams (Boston: Skinner House, 2003). Used with permission. A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on one end of a pole that he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it. At the end of the long walk from the...

Story | By Betsy Hill Williams | October 27, 2011 | For Children, Grades 4-5 | From Windows and Mirrors

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