Amanda Poppei

Amanda Poppei smiles outdoors, wearing an ivory clergy robe and purple stole.

Rev. Amanda Poppei (she/her/hers) serves as Senior Minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, VA. She also serves as co-chair of the Ministerial Fellowship Committee.

Amanda is also a certified Ethical Culture Leader, having served over a decade at the Washington Ethical Society. She lives in the DC area with her spouse Peter and their two children. In her free time, she reads vampire novels, does crossword puzzles, and thinks Deep Thoughts as inspired by country music.

From Amanda Poppei

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10

Remind me that success is not the only measure of a life.

Reflection | By Amanda Poppei | January 31, 2024 | From Braver/Wiser
Tagged as: Acceptance, Compassion, Failure, Humanism, Secular, Self-Respect, Vulnerability, Worship

Nuanced, surprising, and beautiful, Unitarian Universalism joins together myriad sources and experiences.

By Janice Marie Johnson, James Ishmael Ford, Abhi Prakash Janamanchi, Amanda Poppei | May 1, 2022 | From Spirit
Tagged as: Personal Stories, UU Beliefs, UU Theology

Sometimes, I know I'm hanging onto a part of my life that I'll eventually need to let go of...but not just yet.

Reflection | By Amanda Poppei | April 22, 2020 | From Braver/Wiser
Tagged as: Beginnings, Children, Direct Experience, Ending, Humanism, Letting Go, Limitations, Sacrifice, Secular

Who are you going to be, today? And tomorrow? Who are we all becoming, together?

Reflection | By Amanda Poppei | May 8, 2019 | From Braver/Wiser
Tagged as: Beginnings, Change, Children, Mothers, Parents, Searching, Transformation

What, exactly, are we doing when we invite love into our lives? Surely we know that it's much tidier without it, when things stay at a distance.

Reflection | By Amanda Poppei | November 28, 2018 | From Braver/Wiser
Tagged as: Animals, Direct Experience, Love, Parents, Relationships, Vulnerability

It's an impulse of the human self to be known fully, and that’s almost never possible unless we risk the conversations that help us see past our initial impressions.

Reflection | By Amanda Poppei | September 5, 2018 | From Braver/Wiser
Tagged as: 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), 3rd Principle (Acceptance & Spiritual Growth), Anti-Oppression, Connections, Direct Experience, Empathy, Family, Humanism, Humility, Identity, Individualism, Listening, Playfulness, Secular

In real life, we can only place the pieces, one by one, and see what kind of picture we create. Sometimes we turn out to have chosen the wrong piece. Sometimes the picture is wildly unexpected.

Reflection | By Amanda Poppei | April 4, 2018 | From Braver/Wiser
Tagged as: Bridging Ceremony, Calling, Choice, Coming of Age, Coming-of-Age, Contemplation, Courage, Direct Experience, Discernment, Hope, Humanism, Journey, Playfulness, Searching, Secular

Humanism… is primarily about who we are connected to, what we think about each other, and how we work for justice in the world. No matter what else they believe, Humanists insist on the inherent worth of every person....

Reading | By Amanda Poppei | April 20, 2017 | From WorshipWeb
Tagged as: 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), Acceptance, Belief, Humanism, Unitarian Universalism, Unitarianism, Unity

My friends, we have arrived: we are here, in this new year. We have crossed the boundary of time, into the next year, with all its resolutions and plans and schedules ahead of us. Let us pause, for just this moment, before we move boldly onward....

Meditation | By Amanda Poppei | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
Tagged as: Winter

This is the home that love made. It is full of the love that the founders felt, when they planned out these walls and raised these beams above us. This is the home that love made. It is full of the love of all who have worshipped here; those who have celebrated and grieved here; the babies...

Litany | By Amanda Poppei | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
Tagged as: Autumnal Equinox, Building/Space Dedication, Commitment, Community, Direct Experience, Homecoming / Ingathering, Interdependence, Love, Purpose, Relationships, Unitarian Universalism, Unity

About Amanda Poppei

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Spirit | UU World

Stitching a Layered Faith

Janice Marie Johnson, James Ishmael Ford, Abhi Prakash Janamanchi, Amanda Poppei

From Spirit

Nuanced, surprising, and beautiful, Unitarian Universalism joins together myriad sources and experiences.

For more information contact .