Aisha Hauser

Aisha K. Hauser, MSW, has been a religious educator since 2003. She has served three congregations and was the director of Children and Family Programs at the Unitarian Universalist Association. Currently she is part of the Lead Ministry Team of the Church of the Larger Fellowship. She is also the President of the Liberal Religious Educators Association. Aisha received the 2018 Angus H. MacLean Award for Excellence in Religious Education. She is a co-creator with Christina Rivera and Kenny Wiley of Teach-In materials to support UU congregations in understanding and fighting against white supremacy. Aisha is a contributor to the groundbreaking 2017 book, Centering: Navigating Race, Authenticity and Power in Ministry andco-wrote, with Gail Forsyth-Vail, the accompanying study guide.

From Aisha Hauser

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4

A liberatory faith holds the theological mandate to privilege those most in need of justice and most at risk. How do we educate for this theological mandate?

Webinar | By Natalie Maxwell Fenimore, Aisha Hauser, Darrick Jackson | September 14, 2020 | From LeaderLab
Tagged as: #WidenTheCircle, Diversity & Inclusion, Faith Development

I have found that many Unitarian Universalist parents are very proud of how open and honest they are when they talk to their children. However, the eagerness for clear and explicit conversation comes to a screeching halt with regard to race....

By Aisha Hauser | February 19, 2015 | From Call and Response
Tagged as: Children's Faith Development, Families & Faith Development, Parents, Teaching Methods, Anti-Racism

In ‘Selma,’ James Reeb offers a compelling lesson in being a racial justice ally.

By Aisha Hauser | January 18, 2015 | From Ideas
Tagged as: Culture, Justice, Living Our Faith, UU Identity, Social Justice

Engages and challenges leaders and children alike to explore how and why we are willing to welcome others into our lives. We welcome not only strangers, but family, our peers, our neighbors and even entities that are not people such as our animal friends and nature itself.

Curriculum | By Aisha Hauser, Susan Lawrence | October 16, 2013 | For Children, Grades K-1 | From Wonderful Welcome

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