Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship
The UUCF was founded in 1945 in Boston to continue promoting the presence of our historic Christian tradition, to expressing the diverse spirit of contemporary Free Christianity, to providing a home for all those who "follow freely in the spirit of Jesus" regardless of what they call themselves, and to be an ecumenical and inter-religious witness to the power of free religion within the Church Universal. We are now a global organization, serving all regardless of belief, by providing free and progressive and inclusive Christian resources for worship, prayer, bible study, religious education, and theological reflection. We help create and nurture small groups meeting within churches or areas. We publish a scholarly journal, the UU Christian, now in its 60th year, as well as a lively bi-monthly publication, the "Good News" periodical. We are a major presence at General Assemblies, and we host annual Revivals.
Executive Director, Rev. Jake Morrill
809 Oak Ridge Turnpike
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
United States
Detailed data and personnel lists are maintained on myUUA.org. Updates made there will be reflected here in about a day.