The Pennsylvania Universalist Convention
The Pennsylvania Universalist Convention (PUC) established in 1831, was comprised of all the Universalist Churches in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at that time. It was not dissolved at the time of consolidation of the Universalist and Unitarian denominations in the 1960s; and continues to this day to support the remaining "Historic Universalist Churches/Societies" of Pennsylvania as well as the wider Unitarian Universalist Association. The location and post office address of the registered office of the corporation is 416 Franklin Street, Reading, PA 19601.
The PUC is incorporated under the Non-profit Corporation Law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the purposes of supporting public worship within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania according to both the Universalist religious heritage and the principles and purposes of the Unitarian Universalist Association; the support of such benevolent, charitable, educational, and missionary undertakings within this Commonwealth; and the administration of all trusts which may be confided to this corporation. Today the PUC includes the seven remaining "Historic Universalist Churches/Societies in Pennsylvania, located in Girard, Smithton, Athens/Sheshequin, Towanda, Brooklyn, Reading and Philadelphia.
Officers: President, Joseph Plageman, Reading; Vice President, Elaine Lovegreen, Athens/Sheshequin; Secretary, David Palmer, Brooklyn and Treasurer, Katie Replogle, Athens/Sheshequin.
c/o David Palmer, Secretary
443 Mateer Rd
Hop Bottom, PA 18824-7927
United States
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