Learning and Practice
Shortly after I started working at the UUA I was asked to take on the task of making the Widening the Circle of Concern Learning and Practice Communities come to fruition. I dove deeply into the report gleaning the wisdom from the incredible research the Commission had done. I looked at models of how congregations were engaging the study guide. And I gathered data from lay and professional leaders across our movement about what they were doing, where they felt stuck, and what they needed to go deeper into Anti-racism transformation work. I mean, when you hand a Sociologist a task like this of course I went right to research. A few generous people joined me in a pilot Learning and Practice community and helped me learn more about what actually felt supportive, who different models served, and what got met with a resounding “meh.” (Official sociology term)
The religious educators in our movement are rockstars. They are often the ones given AR/AO/MC directives (like we want to do the WCC study guide–can you make it happen somehow?). They need support and partners to do this work in a way that is transformative, sustainable, and doesn’t come at the expense of their well being.
Learning is fun and necessary (and sometimes hard). Practice is hard and necessary (and sometimes fun). UUs do love a good book study! There is always more to learn and explore. Where many of us (individually and institutionally) get stuck is in the move from learning to practice.
We’re better together. The strongest tools we have in AR/AO/MC transformation work are relational. Gathering together to connect, learn, experifail, and hold each other accountable is one of the greatest gifts we can give each other. What the groups look like (identity-based, role-based, wider-focused groups, etc) will vary but it's the together part that matters.
Informed by all of this, we are excited to announce the launch of the Mosaic Learning and Practice Communities. And know what’s even better? You’re invited!
National Learning and Practice Communities are 90 minutes long on Zoom and open to all. Our first Gathering is Sunday, September 10 at 12pm HST/1pm AKST/2pm PST/3pm MST/4pm CST/5pm EST. Our theme is: Invitation: Meeting the moment: anti-oppressive work toward transformation in these times.
Ready to go deeper in your Anti-racism/Anti-Oppression/Multicultural transformation work in your congregation or organization?Mosaic Skill-up Learning and Practice Communities are facilitated small group experiences helping leaders develop the skills and accountability they need to engage in effective AR/AO/MC transformation work in their context. These virtual, time-limited meetings (meeting approximately twice a month over 4 months) are led by trained facilitators.
Registration and information is atwww.uua.org/mosaic