Coming Out of Our Shell

By Sarah Movius Schurr

Headshot of Sarah Schuur, a light-skinned woman with curly hair and glasses.


"Life is full of changes of all kinds. But each change includes some form of loss. This includes changes we face as congregations as well as individuals."

Recommended Reading

In Faith by Sunshine Jeremiah Wolfe

This is a congregation that gathers in faith. Not faith in one religion or one god or any one way. We gather in faith of the power of diversity, the power of love, and the hope of a world transformed by our care. We gather in faith in ourselves and those around us. Not a faith that requires perfection or rightness in one another. Rather, a faith that in our shared imperfection we may learn to stumble and fall together. Faith that we will help one another to rise and to try again and again. We are Unitarian Universalists.