RE-sources: Call and Response: Journeys in UU Lifespan Faith Development

RDO at GA 2013!

By Pat Kahn

At the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) 2013 General Assembly (GA) in Louisville, KY last month, the Resource Development Office (RDO) kicked off our programming with a workshop, Journey to Commitment, on how congregations put the UUA’s Tapestry of Faith programs into action. Judith A. Frediani, Curriculum Director, told attendees that Tapestry of Faith fulfills a commitment which began about seven years ago in conversations, surveys, and focus groups across the Association to envision a comprehensive faith development resource for all ages. As Judith said, Tapestry of Faith is literally “of the people, for the people and by the people.” Then, religious educators Leah Purcell (First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany NY), Liz Jones (First UU Church of San Diego), and Barb Friedland (Thomas Jefferson UU Church in Louisville, KY) shared examples of how they have used TOF resources to nurture Unitarian Universalist identity, spiritual growth, a transforming faith, and vital communities of justice and love. View the Journey to Commitment workshop/read a transcript here.

In another workshop, Living Faithful Lives: Equipping Families to Thrive, RDO staff helped participants consider: What is a faithful life? How do families embody faithful lives? What challenges do today’s families face as they live faithful lives? What can UU congregations and communities promise to provide families to assist them in meeting these challenges? To what actions are families willing to commit? How can we support families to keep their commitments?

Other workshops from RDO included Bridging and Beyond and Taking Action on the Doctrine of Discovery Resolution. RDO worked with other UUA staff and the Liberal Religious Educators Association (LREDA) to present the Friday morning worship service, Broken Vows, Whole Lives.

Sunday morning’s Plenary celebrated Tapestry of Faith, complete with cookies! UUA Executive Vice President Kay Montgomery introduced Judith Frediani as “the Sophia Fahs of our generation”. Watch the approximately 14-minute presentation here, from 19:00-33:35.

All of the Plenary sessions at GA 2013 were videotaped, along with many workshops and other events, and can be viewed online.

About the Author

Pat Kahn

Pat Kahn served as the Professional Development Programs Manager in the Faith Development Office, with responsibilities that include the RE Credentialing Program, the Music Leader Certification Program and the Renaissance Program. She worked for the UUA in November, 2011 until June, 2019 as the...


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