RE-sources: Call and Response: Journeys in UU Lifespan Faith Development

Of Lions and Lambs

By Jessica York



We know that the Universe's one constant is change. Systems are full of chaos. We've seen that in our weather systems this month, when March came in like a lion. Northern parts of our country are preparing for another big snow storm. Here in the South the beginning of March brought ice storms and freezing temperatures, but by this week daffodils are blooming, allergies are rising, and birdsong fills the air. Baaaa. This winter, the changes in our weather were ever-present.

Though change is constant, sometimes it feels more present, more pressing. Here, at the UUA, change is on everyone’s mind. We are preparing to move to a new building, and a new logo has been introduced. Here it is:

I love the new logo. I find the colors more vibrant, the flame more dynamic and less static. It reminds me of the hymn “The Fire of Commitment”, but I also love it because it is a result of deep reflection about what is the core of our faith. Watch in the coming months for resources to help you and everyone engage with this question as we discuss “branding” in the broadest sense of the word.

One of the joys of belonging to a free faith is the right to wrangle with questions like these. Human beings have asked themselves these questions over and over again, and, not surprisingly, have come up with different answers. New religions were born in this or that particular time and place, among particular people who found similar answers to life’s big questions. Tapestry of Faith’s new world religion curriculum for youth, Building Bridges, traces the births of diverse new religions which still nourish members of our human family today. In Building Bridges, participants engage with information about other religions and consider how it affects their own faith. We can only invite our youth to ask these questions because we believe that faith is a journey and “revelation is not sealed.” Change is constant.

Our own beliefs may be changing, but we don’t have to deal with these changes alone. We have a community of like journeyers to accompany us.

Unitarian Universalism may be changing, but we don’t have to deal with these changes alone. Let’s together find the fire in our faith and use it to light a path to a future, more just, more loving world.

We can use this blog to walk together. We would love to see comments from you on some of the big questions confronting our faith.

What challenges do you see for us as we grapple with the question of what is the core of our faith?

What changes have you witnessed in our faith? What changes are you committed to bringing into being?

Feel free to start a conversation below.

About the Author

Jessica York

Jessica York is the Director of Congregational Life at the Unitarian Universalist Association. During her fifteen plus years as a religious educator she has served on the Liberal Religious Educators Association’s Integrity Team, the MidSouth District’s RE Committee, and the...


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