Typical Board Role Responsibilities
Some responsibilities are held in common by all officers and and trustees, and some duties are specific to a particular office. The bylaws should give an general description. Here are some typical specific responsibilities that may change over time can be included in your policy documents.
Common Board Responsibilities
- Speaking with one voice
- Discerning mission and vision
- Planning for the future
- Fiduciary of the congregation between congregational meetings
- Represent the Church on appropriate occasions
- Annual evaluation of the overall ministry
- Approval of Budget (if not reserved for the congregation)
Definition and Responsibilities of the Board Executive Committee
- Consists of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and minister as ex officio
- Confers with President in setting the board agenda
- Makes urgent decisions between board meetings
Responsibilities of the President
- Chair the Board of Trustees
- Preside at all meetings of the Congregation
- Represent the Church on all appropriate occasions
- Ex officio member of all Board Committees without the right to vote
- Votes at Board and Congregational meetings only in the case of a tie
- Responsible for organizing the agenda for all Board and Congregational Meetings
- Is a signatory on church financial accounts
- Has authority to sign on behalf of the congregation any deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts or other legal instruments which the congregation or board has authorized
Responsibilities of the Vice President
- Acts in the absence of or at the request of the President, at which time they shall have all powers and functions applicable to the President
- Serves as parliamentarian
Responsibilities of the Secretary
- Sees that proper records are maintained: Keeps all minutes, papers, correspondence, documents, and written or electronic instruments (other than financial records) belonging to the church or that pertain to the business of the church. These records are the property of the Church.
- Regularly reports proceedings of the Board to the Congregation
- Responsible for notifying the membership of all Congregational Meetings and of all matters to be acted upon at said meetings.
- Responsible for certifying the congregation's membership in the UUA
- Keeps the official record of church membership and other data that is needed for annual UUA certification; in conjunction with the treasurer prepares a list of voting members thirty (30) days prior to any business meeting of the membership
Responsibilities of the Treasurer
- Keeps an account of all money and other property of the Church. These records are the property of the Church and shall be open for inspection by any member
- Is a signatory on church financial accounts
- Ensures that all staff and volunteers follow policy in handling money and other property
- Maintains a current roster of the pledging units and their pledges
- Prepares "dashboard" statements for the monthly board meeting showing a year-to-date trend analysis over the past three years, an income analysis to track giving trends, and the ratio of assets to liabilities
- Prepares the annual financial report of the Church, which shall be audited by a person, not a member of the Board, who is designated by the Board
- Furnishes quarterly statements detailing the status of their pledges to pledging units
- At the discretion of the Board, the Treasurer shall be bonded by the Church in such amount as the Board may determine.
- Provides for an annual audit of the church's books and occasional spot audits to make sure financial policies are being followed
- Serves as the chair of the Finance Committee
- Ensures that payroll taxes and other deductions are accurate and paid in full