Breaking Down Silos
By Ashley Horan, Pastor Danny Givens, MidAmerica Region of the UUA
What do we do when the Green Sanctuary team and the Racial Justice Task Force and the Housing Advocacy Group and the Immigration Ministry all seem to be in competition with one another for members, resources, and visibility? Without an intersectional analysis—seeing how all systems of oppression are interlinked—we can get caught in patterns of “siloed” social justice work in our congregations that can make us less effective, or even cause harm. In this two-part webinar, we will explore a framework for deeply integrated, system-wide social justice work in the congregation, and think about how to move from single-issue teams toward a more holistic way of living out our commitments to justice.
In Part I of this webinar, we will present a praxis-based model for assessing our congregations’ current social justice work, how well integrated it is within all areas of congregational life, and what best practices for deeply-rooted, system wide justice commitments might look like. Participants will be introduced to the model, and encouraged to “audit” their congregations following the webinar.
Social Justice Congregations MUUSJA Rubric January 2018 (PDF)
Breaking Down the Silos Part 1 (PPT)
In Part II of this webinar, participants will share findings about their own congregations’ social justice work through the lens of the assessment model presented in part one. We will then talk about processes and strategies for fostering change and moving toward system-wide integration of justice principles and practices in all areas of congregational life.
Community Well Overview and Resources
Breaking Down the Silos Part 2 (PPT)
Webinars originally presented January - February 2018