Accessibility Resources for Congregations

By EqUUal Access

Unitarian Universalists are committed to welcoming and affirming disabled people. EqUUal Access has developed resources for your congregation to make that commitment a reality.

Please note! All of the links below will take you away from to the most up-to-date Congregational Accessibility Resources on the EqUUal Access website.

Accessible Ministry and Programs

2 cakes, one each with and without nuts & gluten. Decorated with words "Imagine" and "Our Wondrous Journey"

An example of dietary accessibility: Two carrot cakes with one that is nut and gluten-free. Both are clearly labeled. For even more accessibility, provide a separate area for nut and gluten free items.

Accessible Buildings and Grounds

A standing youth presents an award to an sitting elderly couple, one in a wheelchair.

A UU congregation recognizines the social justice work of two of their beloved members.

Thank EqUUal Access

The staff and volunteers at EqUUal Access work hard to keep these resources current and relevant.

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