How Do We Know When We Need Each Other?

By Megan Foley

I don’t know if you’re like me, but I have trouble asking for help. First, it takes me forever to figure out I need help. Then I feel strange and awkward about asking - I don’t want to bother anyone. Then if I finally do ask and someone seems hesitant, I get kind of mad – don’t they know how bad I need help if I’m asking!?!

And getting general support – I mean to do it, but I get so busy, and those supportive things I do like touch base with mentors and colleagues fall by the wayside. That’s fine for a while, but little by little, what once needed just a little advice and reassurance suddenly feels like A Much Bigger Deal.

Congregational Leader, do you ever feel like you could use some support or help in your church work? Religious life is joyful and fulfilling and confusing and stressful, too. You can try it on your own, but that’s nowhere near as gratifying or successful as hearing from and working with others who are asking the same questions and dreaming the same dreams that you are. Your Central East Regional staff person (also called your primary contact) is always available to touch base, answer questions, locate resources, or talk through troubles or questions or joys. You should call us when you’re wondering, when you’re stressed, and especially before you create a project, so you can take advantage of the learnings of those UUs who have gone before you or who are working alongside you.

To make getting support even easier, we CER staff will be getting in touch with congregational presidents and ministers this month to schedule a time to connect. This is a simple opportunity to share your congregation’s joys and sorrows with us and see if we have any connections to help make or coaching to offer. We hope you’ll find your time with us a good way to build relationship, feel encouraged (because you’re doing a great job and we know how hard it can be), and get some helpful advice as needed.

Going forward, let’s all make a resolution that we’ll take the time to get support AND ask for help from each other. Humans need this to be our best selves and where better than church to grow into your best self? Your congregation’s Annual Program Fund contributions are already paying for us to encourage and aid you in your congregational work, so the path couldn’t be easier. Get in touch and get what you need!

About the Author

Megan Foley

Rev. Dr. Megan Foley serves as Deputy Director for Congregational Life as well as Regional Lead for the Central East Region staff. Before joining regional staff she served for six years as the minister of the Sugarloaf Congregation of Unitarian Universalists in Germantown, Maryland....

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Speech bubble asking "How can we help?"

Learn about the CER Primary Contact Program

By Central East Region of the UUA

From Central East Region

The Central East Regional (CER) has a primary contact staff system to ensure our congregations know who to reach out to for assistance. Every CER congregation and community has a UUA Staff Member who serves as your Primary Contact for all services of the region and the UUA.

Primary Contact Program