Helping Congregations in Times of Need

By Beth Casebolt

Four photos illustrating climate change-caused disasters: aftermath of a hurricane showing destroyed houses in top left, trees burning in a forest fire in top right, houses and trees almost submerged by flooding in bottom right, and crops bent and destroyed by drought in bottom left.

If you are like me, you watching the videos, seeing the pictures and hearing the stories of the devastation of Hurricane Helene is heart breaking. Many of our fellow UU congregations are in the path and have been affected. Our Congregational Life staff are starting the process of reaching out to congregations to find out what damage they have and what they need. Many don't know yet as the clean up hasn't begun.

The UUA is gathering of congregations, held together by a covenant. That covenant calls on us to support each other in times of need and to provide assistance when requested. It also calls on us to hold each other accountable.

The Disaster Relief Fund is one way that we honor that covenant by supporting each other in times of need and providing assistance when requested. This fund exists to support congregations who have been affected by natural disasters. And it is funded by donations from congregations and individuals who want to help other UU congregations get back on their feet.

But we need your help—unfortunately the Fund is at its lowest level since the beginning. Can you share some of your funds with congregations that have been impacted because of this natural disaster? If your congregation does “share the plate” Sundays, can your congregation be part of the group that lives out our interconnectedness by sharing the collection with the Disaster Relief Fund?

Often our grants are the first to roll into the congregation and allows them immediate resources to protect their people and their buildings. We have had a couple of congregations return the funds, when they discovered that their insurance or other sources paid for their needs, and they have been pleased to be able to support the fund in that way.

Please consider joining us in this way to live out our covenant with each other!

Please learn more about the Disaster Relief Fund or make a donation. If your congregation is in need, please email Lisa Presley at to find out how to apply.

Need a video to share with your congregation to help them learn more about the fund? We have that! And if you need more information like where to send checks, how to do text to donate or other questions please check our DRF Congregational Collections page.