Equity, A Reflection on UU Shared Values

We declare that every person is inherently worthy and has the right to flourish with dignity, love and compassion.

In naming equity as a core value, we come full circle. In our theological heritage, Universalists, Unitarians, and Unitarian Universalists understand every person to be held in Love and an interdependent web of existence. We understand every person to possess a spark of the divine in a cosmos where all life is sacred. We understand this world, among these people to be the locus of religious life. We understand there is a mandate emerging from our theological heritage to dismantle the structures and systems which silence, harm, and exploit human beings and the varied ecosystems of our planet as well as to work to create just and sustainable communities without barriers to belonging in our communities for all those who share our values and theological perspectives. We understand that it is ours to do – to use our time, wisdom, attention, and money to build and sustain fully accessible and inclusive communities where every person can flourish with inherent dignity and worthiness.