UUA Protest of US Central American Intervention 1985 General Resolution

WHEREAS, the United States government's policies in regard to Central America, especially Nicaragua and El Salvador, pose the possibility of increased military aid or intervention; and

WHEREAS, the Unitarian Universalist Association has been consistently opposed to such activities; and

WHEREAS, numerous Unitarian Universalist societies have been protesting such activities; and

WHEREAS, members of the Unitarian Universalist societies may feel the need to protest such activities as a matter of conscience;

BE IT RESOLVED: That the 1985 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association urges the Social Responsibility Section:

  1. To contact the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, Unitarian Universalist Peace Network, American Friends Service Committee, Pax Christi, Mobilization for Survival and other groups opposing and protesting such military action, seeking ways of cooperating and acting jointly with them; and
  2. To provide a clearinghouse for information and to disseminate it on a continuing basis to our churches and fellowships; and
  3. To cooperate with other groups in establishing a helping network, including legal referrals to assist those individuals engaged in nonviolent direct action and legal vigils; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, if the United States commits an act of war, sends combat troops or otherwise significantly escalates its intervention in Central America, especially in Nicaragua or El Salvador, this Assembly urges the Association to protest publicly such action alone or in concert with others.