United Nations
WHEREAS, the United Nations had compiled an impressive record of achievements to date, including:
- Assistance in settlement of disputes such as India-Pakistan and Indonesia-Netherlands;
- Assistance in keeping the peace in areas such as the Middle East and Cyprus, using neutral country forces;
- Provision for discussion and resolution of economic crises;
- Provision of worldwide assistance thorough UNICEF and other agencies;
- Eradication of smallpox;
- Facilitation of transition to independence from colonial status; and
WHEREAS, serious problems persist in our world community and underscore urgently needed action to strengthen United Nations' organization and functioning; and
WHEREAS, President Jimmy Carter in 1978 issued a report entitled, "The Reform and Restructuring of the United Nations System";
BE IT RESOLVED: That the 1981 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association reaffirms its support for the United Nations; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this Assembly endorses research, study and analysis of means to improve the United Nations, such as more effective peacekeeping procedures, more reliable funding, and more equitable voting systems; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this Assembly urges its member societies to strive for helpful national legislation; to devote at least one Sunday service each year to the United Nations; and to support the work of the Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office in reporting to Association members on United Nations' programs and proceedings, in conveying Unitarian Universalist perspectives to delegations, agencies and the Secretariat of the United Nations, and in the encouragement of national support for the United Nations.