Supporting Legal Equity for Gays and Lesbians
WHEREAS, the 1970 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association ("UUA") adopted a resolution calling on all UUA churches, fellowships, and organizations and society at large to end discrimination against gay and lesbian people and has repeatedly endorsed the goal of equality, dignity, and respect for all people, regardless of affectional or sexual orientation in resolutions adopted in 1974, 1975, 1977, 1980, and in 1984; and
WHEREAS, in 1986 the United States Supreme Court decided in Bowers v. Hardwick that states may enforce laws governing private sexual behavior between consenting adults;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the 1987 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association supports rescission of laws governing private sexual behavior between consenting adults and supports passage of laws prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That when denominational meetings are held in locations where discriminatory laws exist, Unitarian Universalists planning and attending the meetings are urged to adopt creative program methods to support rescission of laws governing private sexual behavior between consenting adults and to support passage of laws prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the UUA Office of Lesbian and Gay Concerns work with the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and other human rights organizations to obtain information about organizations that practice or promote discrimination based on sexual orientation and distribute this information to all UUA societies and affiliated organizations; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That upon receiving information about organizations which practice or promote discrimination based on sexual orientation, Unitarian Universalists and UU organizations be encouraged not to purchase or use products or services from these organizations until the discrimination ceases; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this resolution be conveyed by the President of the UUA to the President of the United States, members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives, Canadian governmental officials, continental media, and other appropriate individuals and organizations.