Social Investment/Corporate Responsibility 1981 Business Resolution

WHEREAS, Unitarian Universalists share a commitment to translating religious principles into practical action; and

WHEREAS, Unitarian Universalist societies feel a responsibility for extending spiritual insights of the free pulpit, of congregational decisions, educational group programs, and social concerns of committees and church organizations into the wider community; and

WHEREAS, large corporations, by reason of their size, have substantial economic power and with it the potential for good or ill; and

WHEREAS, the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) is a member of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility;

BE IT RESOLVED: That the 1981 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association:

  1. Commends to its continental member societies the crucial importance of corporate responsibility;
  2. Urges the UUA Section on Social Responsibility to develop and disseminate appropriate educational resource materials that will assist community investigation of corporate policies and will provide guidelines for investment and consumer action;
  3. Urges churches and fellowships and affiliated organizations to examine their financial portfolios, including holdings of stocks and bonds, with reference to ethical and societal considerations, including levels of employment, and to direct their resources to those corporations which reflect Unitarian Universalist values;
  4. Encourages individuals and families to apply similar considerations in banking, shopping, and investing and, as stockholders, to introduce socially responsible items to the annual meeting agendas of corporations whose managements need prodding.