Smoking Areas 1981 Business Resolution

WHEREAS, it is now known that tobacco smoke causes irritation and harm to non-smokers; and

WHEREAS, the Unitarian Universalist Association is noted for its use of reason and compassion in matters that have to do with human welfare;

BE IT RESOLVED: That the 1981 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association urges the staff and officers of the Association to adopt policies and procedures which will permit smokers to use areas for smoking that will not expose non-smokers to smoke, and that such areas not include restrooms, aisles of passage (e.g., hallways) or other public areas where non-smokers need to be, and to encourage districts and societies to adopt a similar policy so that those who choose to smoke may do so knowing that their tobacco smoke will not be an irritant or be harmful to nonsmokers; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the implementation of this resolution include immediate, sufficient and continuing publicity by the Associations; periodicals and signs; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That where present plant facilities do not permit implementation, smokers be urged to observe the spirit of this resolution.